Search results

  1. Ceri0n

    b>lvl 200 HC mag with twins. ATP focussed

    Check title lol. HC ofcourse
  2. Ceri0n

    Custom MAGs / Unsealing

    I have 9 lames to unseal ;) guess that makes it 36 pds
  3. Ceri0n

    Ceri0n's Tradelist

    5 pds
  4. Ceri0n

    Ceri0n's Tradelist

    5pds each
  5. Ceri0n

    Ceri0n's Tradelist

  6. Ceri0n

    Christmas 2018 Event Thread

    A 0% hit holy ray is the same as a 35% hit arrest raygun which means a 50% hit holy ray is the same as a 85% hit arrest raygun. Those are quite rare and valuable, trust me :P .
  7. Ceri0n

    Christmas 2018 Event Thread

    "Channels hate towards Matt". Just kidding, hate is way to stronk. Changing the hit afterwards is not such a good idea though.
  8. Ceri0n

    Do I sphere 35h excal native or machine?

    Would go with native though. Sinows usually get killed from afar and not from up close
  9. Ceri0n

    A>X-Mas Rambling May [0/0/0/0|50] (Finished!)

    Not bidding but damn!
  10. Ceri0n

    PC<50 hit Guardianna

    Out of curiousity :)
  11. Ceri0n

    Gear check/hunt recommendations?

    A heaven striker mag is something I would not advice btw. Heaven Punishment is an attack that also causes a lot of Damage Cancelation.
  12. Ceri0n

    Gear check/hunt recommendations?

    Yellowboze is pretty good for fiasco ep1. V101 drops from baranz and lame drops from Sinow Blue. Depending on what your atp is atm, ramarls do not a lot of damage to say the least, even with atp cap. Demon special works wonders though since the reduce the enemy to 25% of their originale HP. The...
  13. Ceri0n

    post-200 section ID & name changes

    Name change, yes please. (infinite) ID changes, maybe once every year with anniversary event? It was great with the 2nd anniversary event.
  14. Ceri0n

    New item idea: Precision Enhancer.

    In Ade's defense, when something is as rare as a SJS, getting to 70% hit is not going to happen. Neither do I think the word 'complain' does Ade any justice. If it is as rare as a SJS then do the math. You will need about 10 'SJS' for 20 hit weapon to get to 70 hit. The argument itself does not...
  15. Ceri0n

    Infinite /modname (more or less)

    We know, we just wanted to change the name anyhow.
  16. Ceri0n

    Hunter Boost Road Discord Group

    It is very active and for a lot of people to join. You could either ask me or Fighter to be invited.
  17. Ceri0n

    Infinite /modname (more or less)

    190+, It was still Ralphy on this screenshot:
  18. Ceri0n

    Saying goodbye to people who do not need you is also a sign of maturity

    That's harsh man! Being cheated upon is no joke although the cheater him or herself can be a victim as well in the relationship. Few weeks ago my wife accused be of cheating for a 2nd time this year, without any grounds whatsoever (well, she found a long dark hair in the shower and since both...
  19. Ceri0n

    Trader John's & S-Ranks

    Fair enough... I am not sure how to value it. What do you think about 50?
  20. Ceri0n

    alt download link

    Why not?