Search results

  1. Ceri0n

    B>blue black stone

    Anyone who has this? Rather don't have the pd's disappear in oblivion. Buying for 40 pds.
  2. Ceri0n

    Loosing badges when trading up

    It did not look like a connection issue but an issue because of a bug.
  3. Ceri0n

    Loosing badges when trading up

    Two days ago I lost 40 silver badges when trying to trade up to gold badges. I guess my inventory was full and this happened in an instant when I spammed the 'a' button. I lost connection within a second and I just nearly saw the beginning of the banner of synch issues. When I logged back on I...
  4. Ceri0n

    Performance issues on Mac OS

    Your best option would be to try and dualboot if you have enough space for a second OS. I can provide you the software (windows) if needed though. You can try it 30 days unlicensed iirc.
  5. Ceri0n

    Guessing game

    Although I feel somewhat obliged to reply to the content of alakabooms message I will stay with mew's comment. This is not a place for religious content.
  6. Ceri0n

    Episode 1/4 Drop Rework

    You might have already gotten the answer but the poll is for a limited time. The event is for a limited time but the drop charts are not ;) .
  7. Ceri0n

    Performance issues on Mac OS

    I guess you are using Wine to run windows programs under Mac OS? You will lose around 30 percent of your system capacity and it is pretty low end. Installing windows (7) on your mac book might work and do the trick for you. Mac OS is slower than windows anyway on the same hardware.
  8. Ceri0n

    Handgun Guld 30/25/0/0/0

    a shitload, I am guessing 300+ pds but it might be even more since gulds are one of the rarest, if not the rarest drops around here. They are not easy to hunt.
  9. Ceri0n

    PDA: Gheist Raygun 0/40/0/0/100

    I'm sorry but at the moment I'll have to pass on that one :) .
  10. Ceri0n

    PDA: Gheist Raygun 0/40/0/0/100

    Found this gem a few years back but haven't sold him yet. I am going to auction this thing though and is going to be sold for a good amound of pds if there is interest in it anyway. Use parts of eggblaster or something on it and you've got a fun weapon to use. Deleted the old thread because I...
  11. Ceri0n

    Infinite /modname (more or less)

    It does not have to be anytime soon but it would be nice if... ever :)
  12. Ceri0n

    Option for tekker to Tek to Max %s

    This would be pretty cool, no doubt!
  13. Ceri0n

    Guessing game

    I am dying here rofl!
  14. Ceri0n

    A: Calibur 25/0/0/0/80

    If you are k with 2 photon spheres and 2 pds though, I will buy
  15. Ceri0n

    A: Calibur 25/0/0/0/80

    C'mon Venom, you know better than this that a 80 hit calibur is worth way more than 200 pds.
  16. Ceri0n

    Episode 1/4 Drop Rework

    In mines ofcourse
  17. Ceri0n

    Episode 1/4 Drop Rework

    Although I am a little bit hesitant because episode 4 might become kind of obsolete... but ID changes!! Anyway, I am curious what is going to drop anyhow and I am in favor of changes. I find v101 zu drops kind of icononic though...
  18. Ceri0n

    Character Choice

    Follow your heart lol, go for HUcaseal since you have been talking about from the start ;)