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  1. SpicySausage

    PC>Several things

    Have some things sitting in my bank I would like a pc on S-Reds Blade Zanba 30h Thirteen 0slots Swordsman Lore/Proof of Sword-Saint SmartLink Heaven Striker Coat Event Eggs! Thanks ;)
  2. SpicySausage

    Selfie thread.

    Hi Also woah @Retty that's a nice necklace
  3. SpicySausage


    The same reason they took over a year to add another XQ and have yet to expand the level cap again they were adding more costumes Battle mode has always been shit imo. They only time I recall having a little fun was Portable 2's battle mode. But hey who knows maybe this will be worth something...
  4. SpicySausage

    Ephinea Summer Event

    Thanks, that clears up for me
  5. SpicySausage

    Ephinea Summer Event

    Spamming fiasco for everyone then. Questions though, are only my kills counted to the personal kill gate, or is it the party counted to it? Also, is there another way to see my kill counter besides clearing MA?
  6. SpicySausage

    What role do you play in a party?

    I'm the leech that tries to act cute and innocent This is my goal, RNGod will decide how long it will take me to get the equipment I need though.
  7. SpicySausage

    Phantasy Star Universe

    Phantasy Star Portable is considered PSU right? Those were fun, so play those if you have yet to
  8. SpicySausage

    Old mod request

    If you're looking for Lee's IBOUGHTMYPCFROMWALMART Patch, you can download it here If you're trying to find one that only reduces it, you could try searching the rest of the site I linked as I don't know about such mod.
  9. SpicySausage

    What do you do for fun

    I like to sit in the lobbies and complain about how there's no vh games then refuse to make vh games. But really, when I get my support FO some good gear then I'll end up just helping players grind. maybe I can get a harem of RAcaseys and HUcaseys with my support techs like I had on old scht.
  10. SpicySausage

    Quick question - Quick answer

    So does MST have any effect on the power and length of shifta & deband or is it all determined by the level of the technique? Bonus round: Is there a way to rebind the 1-0 keys to f1-f10? I only ask because I"m using this shitty PSU controller that has F1-12 on it
  11. SpicySausage

    Dudes and Dudettes!!! Question!

    Alright thanks, just wanted to hear from others before I started power leveling a FOnewm
  12. SpicySausage

    Dudes and Dudettes!!! Question!

    Hijacking this thread with my own question. How stupid of an idea would it be to try and make a FOnewm into a battlemage, or rather, a HUmar with S/D and Reverser? Taking lv200 stats into consideration. Or, as much as I want to be a cute elf, would I be better off with FOmar/FOmarl?
  13. SpicySausage

    New Shenmue III Screenshots!!!

    Woah, looks pretty. Nice to see some progress on this game, thanks for sharing. Gaaah, I should play through them again too, but my Dreamcasts and Xbox are packed away in a storage unit until I move in a few months.
  14. SpicySausage

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Got around to playing Dancing All Night. Its kinda short but a fun rhythm game for Persona fans Then there's always Portable 2 and Blue Burst that I play. You can say that again. Reminder that they teased Gryphon by saying he would be much more "violent" than his PSO counterpart. 8-) Man, if...
  15. SpicySausage


    Eyy I did a TTF run with you earlier! Hope to see you more in game. Have fun!
  16. SpicySausage

    History of Tethealla

    Pretty much, yeah. The hard drive with the server and everyone's player accounts failed and had all its data lost. Add that with the already existing controversy surrounding Scht's management and donations and things didn't go smoothly when the data loss was announced. That's what I gathered...