Search results

  1. Skithiryx

    T>SJS 30d DONE

    Bump, changed title and now looking for Guld or a PWand and 50pds. Hit would be hilarious on the pwand if you're feeling generous and I'd take that without any sweetner.
  2. Skithiryx

    T>SJS 30d DONE

    Bump and changed title. Looking for any Handgun Guld or a GM with hit.
  3. Skithiryx

    T>SJS 30d DONE

    Yet another bump for reasons.
  4. Skithiryx

    T>SJS 30d DONE

    Another bump.
  5. Skithiryx

    T>SJS 30d DONE

  6. Skithiryx

    T>SJS 30d DONE

    Title, not really expecting it but figured why not. Post, PM or DM on Discord @Skithiryx #3588
  7. Skithiryx


    I'm also completely fine with the price. Appreciate the heads up on the change.
  8. Skithiryx


    Name: Tanetane Weapon: Needle Payment: PD's
  9. Skithiryx

    Ephinea Christmas 2017

    Ult 50 hit Fatsia.
  10. Skithiryx

    PC> [40/0/0/0l90] Berserk Ripper

    Many thanks for the replies.
  11. Skithiryx

    PC> [40/0/0/0l90] Berserk Ripper

    Tried PC'ing this awhile ago and never really got anything from it. Hoping I can get a ballpark value. Any help would be appreciated.
  12. Skithiryx

    New Jukebox Music

    Needs more Bayonetta 1/2 in general.
  13. Skithiryx

    PC> Jizai 0/0/0/30/50

    Curious as to value, many thanks for any help.
  14. Skithiryx

    Nina's Mag Daycare [New Adoptables!!] Orders CLOSED.

    Lv. 100 Green Sato 5/50/45/0 M&Y/Farlla/Pilla Price: 4PDs I'd like to buy this mag if it's still available please.
  15. Skithiryx

    Removal of Materials in quick menu

    Was wondering if it's at all possible to remove materials from the quick menu. I've a tendency to accidentally use materials when trying to pop a fluid or such as my hotbar is filled with techs. I mean it's not a game breaker, just kind of annoying I may have to do a reset because of trying to...
  16. Skithiryx

    PC> Berserker Ripper 40n 90h

    Topic. I know it's more of a gimmick but I'm curious anyways. Any help would be appreciated.