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  1. .Kuja

    That movie is beautiful

    That movie is beautiful
  2. .Kuja


  3. .Kuja

    b> xmas frozen shooter, s-needle w. hit

    I'm selling a clean 30 hit frozen shooter, but i'm not at home atm. I'll be avaliable on about 2 hrs if you want to buy.
  4. .Kuja

    S>MKB 35H|FS 30H - B> Photon Booster

    Not a fan of the 2:1 egg rate (cuz egg drop boosts), but i'll make the trade.
  5. .Kuja

    S>MKB 35H|FS 30H - B> Photon Booster

    S> Monkey King Bar 0/0/0/0|35 - SOLD Frozen Shooter 0/0/0/0|30 - 5 PD B> Photon Booster - 25 PD/Offer Thanks
  6. .Kuja

    Excalibur 0/0/0/30|30

    Excalibur 0/0/0/30|30 I stopped playing for several months and lost track of things, help me out
  7. .Kuja

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    !!! First great find on Ephinea
  8. .Kuja

    Yes but i guess they compensated that with her role at the IOI quarters; the book is more...

    Yes but i guess they compensated that with her role at the IOI quarters; the book is more detailed, definitely
  9. .Kuja

    Ready Player One was quite fun. Obviously it is more valuable to people with knowledge of the...

    Ready Player One was quite fun. Obviously it is more valuable to people with knowledge of the gaming/nerd/pop culture; love arc sucks tho.
  10. .Kuja

    What are you listening to?

    This version is so chill
  11. .Kuja

    Selling a clean Lame for 10 eggs, maybe a couple less if you are new on the server, just let me...

    Selling a clean Lame for 10 eggs, maybe a couple less if you are new on the server, just let me know.
  12. .Kuja

    Ephinea Cooking Thread

    This is what i spam when i know i'll be playing a lot of videogames all night Game night snack: -Baguette -Ham -Mozarella -Oregano -Cherry Tomatoes (Just make a sandwich with these) -Smirnoff Ice *Replace the Smirnoff with proper liquor if depressed (?)
  13. .Kuja

    Looking for a team!

    Hey, if you are nice people and willing to teampoint junk i'd be glad to send you a Teampoints invite ;) Let me know
  14. .Kuja

    Gaming for you in 2017

    My 2017 started with me wanting to come back to PSO after a couple of years of absence. I didn't know Ephinea yet, so i searched for the last private PSO server i played on, but it was dead; i ended up here and im quite happy with the job this community does keeping the game alive :) At some...
  15. .Kuja

    60H Hell Diska (yellow)

    Traded my coal today and i don't know if this is worth/useful
  16. .Kuja

    Blade Runner 2049 is incredible good.

    Blade Runner 2049 is incredible good.
  17. .Kuja

    Ephineacon 2018: More Than Just a Meme

    I hope this turns out well if you guys do it. I probably won't be able to go (because priorities-living in South America) but i have a general positive feeling about the people i've met here. Also if you guys make a mini melee tournament and record it i will watch the whole thing =P
  18. .Kuja

    Me and 3 lives vs Mu5

    Hey, so i made this vid to show some friends the game -and for fun. I picked my favorite area (Tower) and quest (Mu5) and tried to use the fact that i die a lot to my advantage, so that's it: Me playing mu5 with 3 lives like Link on the Darkworld:
  19. .Kuja

    haiku thread

    Mericarol sucks I forgot tower spawns Red screen pops-up
  20. .Kuja

    Animeflv maybe? The music and aesthetics of that show are a + if my opinion counts for something...

    Animeflv maybe? The music and aesthetics of that show are a + if my opinion counts for something :P Edit. Lol i forgot i was on an english speaking place and recommended an spanish website, my bad.