Search results

  1. .Kuja

    PDA> L&K38 Combat +25 [0/0/25/0|35] (DONE)

    Auctions are made for prices to grow out of the ordinary. And economy changes. I paid around 30 for a 30H FS and now they are basically free.
  2. .Kuja So long since i did a full combo song at Stepmania So long since i did a full combo song at Stepmania
  3. .Kuja

    What are you listening to?

  4. .Kuja

    Armada retiring from Melee :/

    Armada retiring from Melee :/
  5. .Kuja

    In case of missed reference:

    In case of missed reference:
  6. .Kuja

    Where were you while we were getting high?

    Where were you while we were getting high?
  7. .Kuja

    A> 0/45/0/0|40H - Chain Sawd (done)

    Dman wins the auction xD.
  8. .Kuja

    Oh, Girth was banned and take them with him, rip.

    Oh, Girth was banned and take them with him, rip.
  9. .Kuja

    What happened to Malicious Uprising?

    What happened to Malicious Uprising?
  10. .Kuja

    S> 15/0/15/0|40H Sange (Sold)

    15/0/15/0|40 - Sange - 20 PD (Reserved for Rugal19) I can usually trade between 20:00 and 00:00 Central Time. Thank you.
  11. .Kuja

    A> 0/45/0/0|40H - Chain Sawd (done)

    0/45/0/0|40H - Chain Sawd -Reserve: 5PD -Wants: PD's. Eggs x10 = 5PD. Feel free to offer valuable/useful items. | No badges. Cooldown of 24hrs after any bid. Thank you
  12. .Kuja

    I wanted to make a parallel with the casino, but i am very happy with the event and not that mad...

    I wanted to make a parallel with the casino, but i am very happy with the event and not that mad with the gold badges; balancing such things is not easy.
  13. .Kuja

    Gambling gold badges in 2018 is as bad as using slot machines at a Casino

    Gambling gold badges in 2018 is as bad as using slot machines at a Casino
  14. .Kuja

    PC> 25n 40h Jizai

    Hard to say. I'll risk an opinion: 40H clean Red Sword went by 40PD, and personally i think Jizai is bit more valuable (hell, stacks with POSS) so i guess 40PD+ (how much more? i can't say, you could auction and see).
  15. .Kuja

    PC> Sange 15/0/15/0|40H

    Hey, found this on my way to kill gate, any good? (*Corrected my title because i had a tekking misconception)
  16. .Kuja

    S>Event Badges/Eggs/Meseta

    Do you still have the eggs? I'm just getting online and would buy (will go to bed soon aswell :P)
  17. .Kuja

    Bought a mixed ingredients extra large pizza so i'm ready to hunt that platinum badge all night.

    Bought a mixed ingredients extra large pizza so i'm ready to hunt that platinum badge all night.