Search results

  1. .Kuja

    How do male characters live without the awesome feeling of the fast Last Swan animation...

    How do male characters live without the awesome feeling of the fast Last Swan animation? *playing Ramar*
  2. .Kuja

    What are you listening to?

    This is some serious romantic shit </3
  3. .Kuja

    These days I'll have more time to play PSO :)

    These days I'll have more time to play PSO :)
  4. .Kuja

    Jukebox Update Suggestions

    Final Fantasy IV - Theme of Love Final Fantasy VI - Atma's Weapon Final Fantasy VII - Opening: Bombing Mission Final Fantasy VIII - The Man With The Machine Gun Final Fantasy X - The Splendid Performance Final Fantasy XII - The Dalmasca Eastersand Not all of them; i just want a FF theme on the...
  5. .Kuja

    A man's post-orgasm melancholy gets worse if he lied just to get laid

    A man's post-orgasm melancholy gets worse if he lied just to get laid
  6. .Kuja

    What are you listening to?

  7. .Kuja

    What are you listening to?

  8. .Kuja

    Ephinea Picture/Video Topic

    I just saw this on the bakery. Who would have said it, Dorphons are actually cupcakes :P
  9. .Kuja

    B> BKB

    That's without having event bkbs into account; i recently saw a good %s bkb at 10PD price.
  10. .Kuja

    Hydro's Goods

    I would like to buy your 60PD RR. I can only login at night (PST) this week but hopefully thats not a problem?
  11. .Kuja

    Summer Scavenger Event

    @Spuz I did both. The thing is, despite beating the minigames as the guide said i couldn't find 2 of the 4 stamp rappys (that's how i understood it, each minigame makes 1 appear, right?). @Melirei I appreciate the offer, but i'm on my way to work right now, and was barely awake when i read...
  12. .Kuja

    Summer Scavenger Event

    Yes, i read about it. I actually played with the rappies for a while, but got tired and ended the quest; I couldn't find how to progress even after passing the minigames, getting the SS rank on the chicken race... Whatever xD. On the badges topic, now that my ID badge location is confirmed i...
  13. .Kuja

    Kuja's Synthesis Shop (05-JULY-07)

    Welcome. Here I'll put the items i have for trade, starting with a short list that hopefully will grow. You can find me by replying to this thread, via PM, or usually in the "Kuja" room on Fodra. • Weapons -Berserk Gladius 35/30/0/0/50 - 1PD -Storm Wand: Indra - 1PD -Silence Claw 60/0/0/15/40...
  14. .Kuja

    Summer Scavenger Event

    For real? Then what's the ratio of uncommon badges? jesus. I did plenty of crater runs, no yellow badge, 2 tanegashimas, 1 divine protection (1/979)... at this point i won't be surprised if v101 drops before the badge for me lol.
  15. Rappy's holyday

    Rappy's holyday

    Chicken's race game
  16. .Kuja

    Summer Scavenger Event

    I've never done Rappy's holiday and that could help me hunt hildelts for yellow, on the pso-world guide i don't see anything about hildelts tho... Edit. Ok so i guess i have to win minigames to access forest 2 then kill the hildelts there.