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    My dearest Aries ♡

    My dearest Aries ♡
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    don't let anyone tell you what to do or what you are capable of. people will make you second...

    don't let anyone tell you what to do or what you are capable of. people will make you second guess yourself at every turn. fuck them. the only one who knows what you need is you ♡
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    stay the course.

    stay the course.
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    same <3

    same <3
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    I want to ride my chocobo all day!

    I want to ride my chocobo all day!
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    Selfie thread.

    I'm such a splendid fucking mess right now; but I find that positivity heals. miss you all ♡
  7. To see with eyes unclouded by hate

    To see with eyes unclouded by hate

    'See the good in that which is evil, and the evil in that which is good. Pledge yourself to neither side, but vow instead to preserve the balance that exists between the two.'
  8. Nothing Will Stop Me

    Nothing Will Stop Me

    nerve pain won't stop me. even if it makes me fucking crazy. absolutely nothing will stop me now △
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    you will heal.

    you will heal.
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    spill your guts to anybody who will listen

    spill your guts to anybody who will listen
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    Team Spellbound (^_^)

    Good to hear from you, friend. I'd love to play but I can't even sit down at the moment. I'm usually pretty active on Pioneer 2 though. ♡


    Big badda boom ♡
  13. Data

    Selfie thread.

    pink magnolia / friendship, love these trees can live for a full century. pink haired flame muncher ♡ sitting in my new home, eternal abundance. organic, vegan cafe/market 15 minute walk downhill from my home. I start my new job there in 2 days and I've been vegan for 1 year on may 7. been...
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    What are you listening to?

    @Bonesy this is wonderful ~ ♡ thank you sincerely.
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    Post your vehicle!

    I've learned a lot of hard lessons on that board. Fell on my face one time and I didn't break it. Only blacked out on the grass after and ended up with a few scars. Now I basically just use her for transportation around my fair city and enjoyment ♡
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    stay inspired.

    stay inspired.
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    What are you listening to?

    For the Cowboy Bebop fans. @guybasil ♡
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    Post your vehicle!

    This is my girl, Ginger. And soon we'll sail again ♡ Locally made with love by a swell guy who shares the same name as me and lives nearby. She says 'Kosher Would Boards' on her belly and it's a picture of a jar of pickles. The wood is reclaimed and the grip tape was made using sand from a...
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    My Dark Falz Shirt

    Where is the love button on this forum? :3 That's wonderful ♡