Search results

  1. Esther

    New to server

    Welcome to Ephinea. We're glad to have you. You came at a wonderful time.
  2. Esther

    Ephinea's 6th Anniversary Event will begin August 6th! / 6周年アニバーサリーイベント 8/6開始!

    Heard that people that say 'event' are going to be temp banned at event launch so they can't play. (joking)
  3. Esther

    Looking for a team

    You can check the details of the team here: Thanks for the heads up!
  4. Esther

    Hello Everyone!

    Welcome back
  5. Esther

    Another player orphaned from Schthack

    Greetings and welcome to Ephinea. You will love it here as many have. Check this link out to read up on teams until you find one that best suits your taste: Cheers
  6. Esther

    A> Dragon Slayer 60h

    Closed. You win this ultimate dragon dropper stick 5000 @Usagi
  7. Esther

    A> Dragon Slayer 60h

    CHB 5 24 hour countdown (Ends 06/27/2021)
  8. Esther

    A> Dragon Slayer 60h

    No res on this baddie. 24 countdown
  9. Esther

    The CS (Closed invite)

    Hello. The initial post of this thread has all the info you need to know. Join up in our Unofficial Team Discord and we can work from there. I'm working late today so we'll work something out. Edit: Member has been recruited.
  10. Esther

    A new player from NGS of all places?!?!

    Hello Nice to have you. Welcome.
  11. Esther

    The CS (Closed invite)

    Updated the OP We're also undergoing a change in one of our team policies in August. Team photos may be coming soon <3
  12. Esther

    S> V101 - 25PD (Sold)

    Heya. You online? I can trade right now if you are free^^
  13. Esther

    S> V101 - 25PD (Sold)

  14. Esther

    S> 35h Slicer of Fanatic (SOLD)

    As the title states
  15. Esther


    Sorry I took so long. Got wrapped up in the game. I can trade now whenever you two and I are free When you get back to me. Contact me through Discord: Esther#6503
  16. Esther


    I'll hold this for you. Will reach out when I'm off work.
  17. Esther


    Excals 0/0/0/0|0 - 4PD 0/0/0/0|15h - 40PD 0/30/0/0|15h - 45PD
  18. Esther

    SMB3 Style Maker on PC

    World I made in SMBGM some time ago by now. Tried for a perfect run but I dies just once in final level x.x Enjoy
  19. Esther

    The CS (Closed invite)

    Hello, there. I believe I saw you join our Unofficial Server. I'll forward you from there. Welcome <3
  20. Esther

    Hello Everyone

    Hey there! Welcome to Ephinea. You will love it here. If you have a Discord, I'd encourage you to join the Ephinea Discord. Here's to seeing you in the late game <3