Search results

  1. Lepvelx

    Nei's claw funds store

  2. Lepvelx

    Nei's claw funds store

  3. Lepvelx

    Nei's claw funds store

    Selling everything, feel free to make an offer. I accept PDs (If you have a real Neis claw send me a dm) Gladius [Tempest] [0/0/30/0|0] Calibur +3 [Gush] [0/40/0/0|50] Gungnir +7 [Burning] [0/0/0/0|35] Gungnir +8 [Arrest] [0/0/35/0|50] Gungnir +10 [Freeze] [0/0/0/20|50] Vjaya [Charge]...
  4. Lepvelx


    All i have are 50pds xd im not rich enough i guess lol but im saving till i get 100pds, then i will make a post looking for one unu/
  5. Lepvelx


    i know this is old, but do you still have the neis claw? if so, how much for it?
  6. Lepvelx

    B> 2 Gold Badges for 5 PD (CLOSED)

    i have my last gold badge, 1:1?
  7. Lepvelx

    A> Untekked 40H Calibur

    Reserve 20 pds 72 hour initial 24 hour resets after first bid and new chb 5 pds increments (at least)
  8. Lepvelx

    haiku thread

    A baby rappy He approaches me calmly It's time to megid
  9. Lepvelx

    A> Berdysh 95H - Reserve 50 Pds -Done-

    All yours! Contact me on Discord Myu (Lepvelx) #4481
  10. Lepvelx

    A> Arms+1 75H -DONE-

    All yours! Contact me on Discord Myu (Lepvelx) #4481
  11. Lepvelx

    A> Berdysh 95H - Reserve 50 Pds -Done-

    Reserve met, timer started
  12. Lepvelx

    A> Arms+1 75H -DONE-

  13. Lepvelx

    A> Arms+1 75H -DONE-

  14. Lepvelx

    A> Arms+1 75H -DONE-

    Reserve met, timer started
  15. Lepvelx

    A> Arms+1 75H -DONE-

    Reserve 20 pds 72 hour initial 24 hour resets after first bid and new chb 5 pds increment
  16. Lepvelx

    A> Berdysh 95H - Reserve 50 Pds -Done-

    Reserve 50 pds 72 hour initial 24 hour resets after first bid and new chb Bids should be at least, and multiples of 5 pds over the chb. (55, 60, 65, 70, 75, etc)
  17. Lepvelx

    PC> 95H Berdysh

    PC> 95H Berdysh
  18. Lepvelx

    Selling everything

    I accept photon drops and gold badges DB's Saber 0 5 0 0 DB's Saber 0 20 0 0 DB's Saber 0 0 0 0 DB's Saber 0 0 5 0 Flowen's sword 0 0 0 0 Flowen's sword 5 0 0 0 Flowen's sword 0 20 25 0 Dragon Slayer 0 40 0 30 Geist Ripper +10 0 0 0 0 45 Blade dance 0 0 0 0 Bersek Gugnir 0 0 0 0 50 Gae Bolg 45...
  19. Lepvelx

    Stomper's Trade List (PDT)Updated 7/3/2023

    how much for 70 power mats? do you accept gold badges?
  20. Lepvelx

    S> Megid 29, Material stacks

    do you acept badges? i need 70 power mats