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  1. Bliz

    White Day Bug

    I was doing the white day quest on a male character holding the chocolate I made on my female character. I finished it and got the present, and transferred it back over to my female character. I talked to the principal but he didn't do anything, so I tried using the present and was immediately...
  2. Bliz

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Are there any enemies (besides bosses) that demon's or hell doesn't work on?
  3. Bliz

    [HC] Hardcore

    Thanks a bunch!
  4. Bliz

    [HC] Hardcore

    The second one is for my roommate, but I understand if you'd rather still only give 1.
  5. Bliz

    [HC] Hardcore

    I could use two of those!
  6. Bliz

    Quick question - Quick answer

    I doubt it, but I'll ask anyway: Is there any way to change what color boxes drop as? I am curious if I could make materials, grinders and scapes drop as red boxes instead of green ones.
  7. Bliz

    Ephinea Picture/Video Topic

    More Honeycomb pictures because Ducks wanted them :3
  8. Bliz

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    HC Honeycomb Reflector! (Thanks to Ducks)
  9. Bliz

    Gonna hit 200 this time.

    Welcome and good luck!
  10. Bliz

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Ok, so you'd log back on alive, without the scape doll? I was just worried about the server knowing you died but not that you resurrected, and deleting you for it.
  11. Bliz

    Quick question - Quick answer

    I don't know if anyone will have the answer to this because it's a pretty specific situation, but: What happens if you die on hardcore with a scape doll, and use alt-backspace to log out before the scape doll revives you?
  12. Bliz

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Does anyone have some damage numbers for hard-hits on Ultimate (Falz slap, Dorphon charge, etc.)? I'm 80+ on hardcore now and wanna make sure where I can and can't go.
  13. Bliz

    The fate of Hardcore mode.

    I just started getting into it! :( If you are worried about it detracting from normal, maybe just keep HC up but no longer work on HC-specific content? I have to admit though, I was really looking forward to Seasons.
  14. Bliz

    Quick question - Quick answer

    That new Tyrell's Ego quest is full of hildelts. For Zus I think Maximum Attack 4th Stage-B- has the most.
  15. Bliz

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Thank you! Another question, does this server's client work on mac/apple computers?
  16. Bliz

    Quick question - Quick answer

    How do you scroll up/down in team chat? W/S, up/down, scroll wheel all don't do it.
  17. Bliz

    B> HC Power Mag

    Oh, I would appreciate that very much!
  18. Bliz

    B> HC Power Mag

    I wanna get more into HC but doing the mag grind again is rough, I figure I would see if anyone is willing to trade an HC power mag for non-HC items, since I don't really have anything of value on HC. My trade list is here: It...
  19. Bliz


    I know it's already being considered for Seasons, but perhaps also something that makes mag feeding easier in ordinary Hardcore? I just recently started playing HC and I level way faster than my mag due to the exp boosts.
  20. Bliz

    Valentine's Day Event & New Quests

    Thanks for the new quests! What does the valentine's day event involve?