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  1. Bliz

    Bliz's Rainbow Equipment Emporium

    Added Rainbow Tyrell's Parasol. Rainbow Slime is still in's proving pretty difficult but I haven't given up yet.
  2. Bliz

    B> Mag, with some requirements (level 50 ok!)

    Sure, are you around now?
  3. Bliz

    B> Mag, with some requirements (level 50 ok!)

    That's kind of you! I'd still like to give you something but it's up to you~
  4. Bliz

    B> Mag, with some requirements (level 50 ok!)

    Perfectly fine, I don't need it for a little while anyway. What would you like for it?
  5. Bliz

    B> Mag, with some requirements (level 50 ok!)

    No. Light Blue and Cyan are separate.
  6. Bliz

    B> Mag, with some requirements (level 50 ok!)

    I have the following requirements: - Must be Light Blue in color. - Must be level 50 or higher (50 is ok). - DEF must be 5. - POW must be 0. - DEX must be 48 or lower (0 is ok). - MIND must be 147 or lower (0 is ok). - Must have Twins, Deer and Dolphin PBs. - Must be able to use a Mag Cell on...
  7. Bliz

    I want YOU! To join Hardcore

    The point of playing hardcore is because you fear death. It gives it thrill. Moons and stuff can be fixed, sure, but being able to leave a game where you decide the situation you're in is too dangerous but haven't died yet is kind of an ARPG staple; practically all hardcore ARPGs have an option...
  8. Bliz

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    Not obvious from the screenshot, but this slime dropped three Lavis Cannons. Exntexn, [D] and I each got one. ([D]'s is 30 hit and I gave mine to Spuz)
  9. Bliz

    Quick question - Quick answer

    PSO World.
  10. Bliz

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Does Jizai have Hell or Unreduced Hell for its special? I'm seeing conflicting information online.
  11. Bliz


    I have a Heavenly/Battle for you, free. Just meet up with me sometime~
  12. Bliz

    I want YOU! To join Hardcore

    I can't speak for everyone but it's certainly not the case with me, and once the event is over I'll be going back to helping people reach ult too. I just can't right now, gotta get that plat~ If 4 80+ HC players are online and talking in team chat though we typically band up for a game.
  13. Bliz

    I want YOU! To join Hardcore

    I am always willing to play with any HC player. If a bunch of level 80s want to MA, so be it - if we fail then the exp just brings them a step closer to being strong enough to complete it. If they chow through scapes, fine, I have plenty to give them. Maybe we just play at different times or...
  14. Bliz

    I want YOU! To join Hardcore

    I think it's a very good idea! Mags are probably the biggest hurdle for new players. I support moon atomizer fix. I'm okay with losing scapes on death instead of on-resurrection so that alt+bs can't save them, but I think alt+bs existing is important to escape lethal situations you know are...
  15. Bliz

    Ephinea Summer Event

    Thank you for the clarification!
  16. Bliz

    Ephinea Summer Event

    So, the item rewards go to the "common bank". That isn't the shared bank, right? If it is, okay, someone just confirm that for me so I can make some room. If it isn't, considering the killgates are based on account totals, which character's bank do the items go to? I believe it's just 1...
  17. Bliz

    Bliz's Rainbow Equipment Emporium

    The Rainbow FOmarl Robe is complete and added to the first post! I first tried to make it entirely rainbow but it just felt tacky and I didn't like it. I then tried using rainbow as a primary color and accent and was a lot happier with the results. Hope you like it! Hats not included (maybe...
  18. Bliz

    IP banned

    This is also a thing...a blatant hacker nobody knows gets unbanned but the staff won't budge on a long-time player over a questionable packet? C'mon.
  19. Bliz

    IP banned

    I can't know for sure but I feel like Foxy wouldn't cheat? This does raise some concerns though: 1. In this situation is it obvious what the intent was? Was it just "the packet sent for buying the item had corrupt data" or was it something like "the packet sent for buying a 5-egg item had the...
  20. Bliz

    Bliz's Rainbow Equipment Emporium

    I'm making progress on the Rainbow Red Slime and I'm confident I can come up with something decent, so I added it to the In Progress list. Still working on the FOmarl robe too.