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  1. Bliz

    Quick question - Quick answer

    I've never used a controller with PSO so I am unfamiliar with it myself but, my sister uses a controller and they complain that it's difficult to quick weapon switch since they have to use a keyboard shortcut. Is there a good, quick way to weapon switch with just a controller?
  2. Bliz

    How would you rebalance PSO classes?

    [DISCLAIMER: This is not an Ephinea suggestion thread - this is purely a for-fun discussion regarding the game mechanics of PSOBB! I don't want class rebalancing on this server.] I had game balance on my mind for a number of reasons recently, one of which being the recent thread about PSO class...
  3. Bliz

    Hunters boost road

    Aw, c'mon guys. At least you had an excuse with MA since it has a time limit. Let the leveling characters play too. (If you were HC and I were doing HBR right now you'd be welcome to join me even if you're level 80!)
  4. Bliz

    YN-0117.....ok now what? =3

    I'm not demanding or even specifically requesting it, just discussing my thoughts on it from a game balance perspective.
  5. Bliz

    YN-0117.....ok now what? =3

    I dunno if this is really the thread for this but, I don't see the problem with making Angel/Devil/Elenor non-race restricted. Cat/Bunny ears was okay to remove gender restrictions on because they don't do anything special and it didn't add any new possibilities for the classes that gained it...
  6. Bliz

    Quick question - Quick answer

    When a mag evolves into Sato, it won't ever change again, right? So I can feed it from 100 to 200 as any Section ID and class without issue?
  7. Bliz

    Hardcore Scavenger Exchange

    I'm too lazy to list all my scav findings but I'll keep an eye on this thread and if anyone is after something I have, I'll let them know.
  8. Bliz

    Nikki's general PSO:BB guide.

    This is a great guide, thanks for making it! FYI: I dunno if it's just me 'cause I don't see it used often but I sometimes call pilla "angel".
  9. Bliz

    Hunters boost road

    I lived exclusively in Ult HBR last month trying to get a plat badge (yes I know HBR didn't affect badge drops but it was still the best place to be grinding). I'm on break from Ultimate now, leveling some new chars for IDs and such. I'll give it a go ~eventually~ (maybe)
  10. Bliz

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Master Mag Gallery Episode 4 Mags Do these two lists combined contain every mag in PSO, or are some missing?
  11. Bliz

    Quick question - Quick answer

    If you want Last Swan, is it best to do BPD2 on Normal since there's a smaller pool of items for it to give you?
  12. Bliz

    Ephinea Summer Event

    Ok, added some notes.
  13. Bliz

    Ephinea Summer Event

    I decided to make a compilation of what you can do/get with the milestone rewards from the event. Also here is all the places to spend Badges again but a little more readable. Lemme know if anything is wrong.
  14. Bliz

    "Reward items will be distributed to players during maintenance on October 1st. This will give...

    "Reward items will be distributed to players during maintenance on October 1st. This will give everyone time to make sure their common banks have enough inventory space to receive items. If your common bank does not have enough room for an item, you will not receive it and the GMs will not be...
  15. Bliz

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    Okay, I got 60 eggs from this event. Time to do some 25-egg gambling. First try: Photon Crystal. Second try: EDIT: IT HAS HIT???
  16. Bliz

    Didn't get any rewards from summer event

    I thought that was just for maintenance rewards. There was no mention of a level 50 req on the summer event page. Looking at the event page now, I see that it was mentioned in the forum thread. Oh well, thanks for the clarification.
  17. Bliz

    Didn't get any rewards from summer event

    I was playing with my sister during the summer event and we didn't play very much but she DID play, and it was in the event quest (MA1). She wasn't expecting any killgate rewards but we were expecting to get the basic things like the elenor mag cell and stuff, but her shared bank seems to be...
  18. Bliz

    Ephinea Summer Event

    It's sticking around forever.
  19. Bliz

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

  20. Bliz

    T/ HC items....

    I'll buy this, what would you want for it?