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  1. Bliz

    Ephinea Christmas Event 2016

    Hit affects normal and hard attacks too.
  2. Bliz

    Making All Mags All-Class

    I'm all for this, barely affects game balance and more cosmetic choices is cool. Fight me >:c
  3. Bliz

    Ephinea Christmas Event 2016

    One of those Special ????s is totally a platinum badge.
  4. Bliz

    Favorite Fighting Games (No Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat)

    Definitely Smash Bros Melee. "Immaterial and Missing Power" was pretty great too, really liked the idea of mixing melee and projectile-heavy combat. I know it has sequels but they're worse IMO.
  5. Bliz

    Hardcore Battle...

    I agree that the current description is extremely misleading. "Hardcore players are free to play Challenge and Battle mode without losing their character upon death, so please feel free to take advantage of this." You can select "Battle" for the mode when making the room, and there'll be a big...
  6. Bliz

    Hardcore Requests Thread

    I still need these but Lv20 Shifta is a priority if anyone has just that!
  7. Bliz

    game is closed ;_;

    game is closed ;_;
  8. Bliz

    USA Election 2016 (Trigger Warning?)

    This thread got locked last time and I don't see this time going any better :T
  9. Bliz

    Introducing the PSO Rebalance Project: PSOBB REBORN

    This is all very neat, good job, I'm excited to give it a go! I notice you list the new class stat maxes and make some mentions in the summary about other class changes - I'd be very interested to hear your balance philosophy for each class! I don't know if you are leaving trap amounts...
  10. Bliz

    Quick question - Quick answer

    I think you can get them with Badges, Eggs, Item Tickets, etc., which are only from events but plenty are floating around since we had one just a month ago. Here's some shop lists that have them.
  11. Bliz

    Hardcore Requests Thread

    I don't need H/Battle anymore but I could use a level 20 tech support set. (Lv20 Resta/Shifta/Deband/Jellen/Zalure)
  12. Bliz

    Quick question - Quick answer

    I'm gonna make a solo character and I want them to have an ID that gives them basically a whole area or episode to run around in with a good chance of finding usable items. Ep4 Redria looks like a good bet to me, with several great items to find in basically any location, but I was wondering if...
  13. Bliz

    Quick question - Quick answer

    How does BPD1 work in comparison to BPD2? Is it still 2 rewards on VH/Ult? Do all the rewards have an equal chance of being given?
  14. Bliz

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    Tonight I decided to try Black Paper's Deal 2 for the first time ever. 1 Photon Crystal later and I have a Stink Shield and this:
  15. Bliz

    The HC mag store

    I feel like these prices are too low, if anything! Love the service though, I have a few mags I need still. I will definitely do business with you soon.
  16. Bliz

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Followup question about BPD2: I recall being told that VH and Ult both give 2 rewards (whereas Normal and Hard give 1), and looking at the lists, it seems that the only difference between the potential rewards is that VH gives Yunchang instead of Ult's Shouren. Unless I specifically want a...
  17. Bliz

    Hardcore Requests Thread

    Nah, I have that already, just need specifically H/Battle.
  18. Bliz

    Spuz's Unsealing & Custom Sranks. (CLOSED)

    Gonna make a post here so it's easily accessible! I'd like to buy an s-rank needle named Hollow Needle please :3
  19. Bliz

    Quick question - Quick answer

    How worth it is it to unseal SJS? I haven't had an unreduced hell sword before and I'm finding it extremely useful. (I guess I could just put hell on an s-rank sword or something since my SJS has 0 hit anyway but still) EDIT: Yeah nevermind s-ranks have as much ATA as SJS so I'd rather just...
  20. Bliz

    Hardcore Requests Thread

    I need two things if anyone can hook me up: Heavenly/Battle Shifta 20