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  1. SirLagsAlot

    Coming back from a long hiatus!!

    (Reformed) HC exclusive player here… Welcome back, I’m not sure we played together but probably did lol. Hope you have fun maybe we can party up sometime and reminisce thinking about memorizing every single set HP attack and not going to certain areas with FOnewearl as well as physically...
  2. SirLagsAlot

    Hot take: FOnewearl should get bonuses to Ra- techs, too

    My 4k number was referring to all 5 hits hitting. The Ra and Gi boosts you refer to culminate to only a 9% advantage of newm vs FOney, as I have said many times already. This is also usually forgone because the newm usually just casts barehanded instead of equipping pwand/magickal piece, as I...
  3. SirLagsAlot

    Hot take: FOnewearl should get bonuses to Ra- techs, too

    Well the point of the prior discussion I believe you are commenting on was Barta vs. Rabarta, (Barta has more range meaning I can hit a pyro before someone else can rabarta it) which is basically only going to be a thing in 4x FO desert runs. In this instance bringers isn’t going to be used at...
  4. SirLagsAlot

    Hot take: FOnewearl should get bonuses to Ra- techs, too

    You are disregarding the fact that I can hit something before someone else possibly can because of the distance. This is why ranged weapons > all else. If you use adaman, merge, cloak etc you can literally hit a pyro for like 1k per. Try it sometime, it’s fun. Far from “trash”. And if you...
  5. SirLagsAlot

    Hot take: FOnewearl should get bonuses to Ra- techs, too

    It’s further than both Gibarta and Rabarta, try it out sometime. Goes far as frick
  6. SirLagsAlot

    Hildetorr spawn

    >Hildetorr I swear atleast half of those are mine. Still no HP tho…
  7. SirLagsAlot

    Server maintenance has been completed for May 20th, 2024 (サーバメンテナンス完了 5/20)

    Yeah I’m not sure of the legal ramifications… I only suggested that because the answer as to why there was never a seasons 2 was “It was too much work” so of course now that they accept donations I put 2+2 together to the idea that they could be incentivized to provide content like that. It...
  8. SirLagsAlot

    Quick question, returning from a long sabbatical

    Just go ahead and join any hard game you see up, usually a couple at any time. Don’t worry too much about it and feel free to ask any player any questions and they will be glad to help… Happy hunting!
  9. SirLagsAlot

    Lore speculation; what “Section ID’s” might represent?

    I just think section IDs were a thing SEGA added to make the game pseudo-personalized, probably not much to them… lore wise unfortunately…. Also it’s a way for SEGA to create more content where there was none. They essentially 10x’d the amount of content by adding them… 120x’d if you wanna...
  10. SirLagsAlot

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    Teh most epicest FOmar to every grace de interwebZ CG, king
  11. SirLagsAlot

    Hildetorr spawn

    Hopefully you are using an efficient hunt as well. The best Torr hunt are Tyrells Ego resets (the forest portion). If you skip the final wave in the rooms this can save ALOT of time, as well zonde’ing the boxes in the final room from the second room you can preemptively see the bears in the...
  12. SirLagsAlot

    Music Discs Consumable?

    Rarer ones being all of those that drop outside of gallons shop. Only 1, 3, 6, 7 are available there so the rest are rarer. There’s also one more way to get them (besides on the floor)… which is the bronze anniversary badge shop...
  13. SirLagsAlot

    Server maintenance has been completed for May 20th, 2024 (サーバメンテナンス完了 5/20)

    Damn… between this and the DMC update the game has basically become THE definitive way to play PSOBB (and PSO in general in my humble opinion). Seriously lol. Anyone on shithack, ultima, destiny are terribly missing out now lol. I wonder if any of the original devs of PSO play/follow the...
  14. SirLagsAlot

    A> Guilty Light [30/0/0/0|100] (DONE at 594)

    Well… I only have 116 liquid PD atm… what do you value a Hell Needle at? 80?
  15. SirLagsAlot

    Hot take: FOnewearl should get bonuses to Ra- techs, too

    Don’t succumb to the bullying bro. You are entitled to your opinions and suggesting that some strings of text be changed isn’t necessarily a huge request. Of course the answer is almost always going to be no though lol but just saying to change some text to be a better description does not...
  16. SirLagsAlot

    Hot take: FOnewearl should get bonuses to Ra- techs, too

    Yeah even then with the Barta thing we’re talking about Episode 4 4x FO runs anyway, a somewhat niche activity being only 1/3 of the game and is only truly going to be ran a lot like that if Desert is in the RBR that week (making it like…1/16 of the game)… In pretty much every single area...