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  1. Y

    plz buy mah stuf or theey'll gona hurt me!! :(

    Sorry guiz, away from home right now. Might b back round 5pm EST. @ealonzo okie @Spicy McNoodle surrre @fishhao is this person nice n friendly? @Mayn yus
  2. Y

    plz buy mah stuf or theey'll gona hurt me!! :(

    My discord username if you like to trade with me: Yabo "Yalyn"#4052 "hi my name is lumi and those meanies keep saying tat if i don't give them what they want, they gonna kill me! ... :( " "so plz buy my stuff!" "Why do your mags have 15 defense?" "Uhm ... they are not...
  3. Y

    Favourite Story NPC?

  4. Y I already got mine. So I thought I share this if others out there that... I already got mine. So I thought I share this if others out there that wants this. US seller by the way.
  5. Y

    GRIf, a PSO fanartist forgotten to time

    Yeah for a long time I always wanted to get in contact with one of the artist if his/her fanart was used without permission. And I am talking about the fanart that is used in the lobby. (Blue clothed HUnewearl.)
  6. Y

    Not familiar with this stuff but I thought you can do it on his/her behalf if given permission...

    Not familiar with this stuff but I thought you can do it on his/her behalf if given permission from the website, gofundme, I guess?
  7. Y

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Is there a technical reason why S-ranks cannot have numbers in the name?
  8. Y Forgot I can pin comments in Youtube. Forgot I can pin comments in Youtube.
  9. Y

    I have a funny feeling that the admins had increased the chances of "Wedding March" disks...

    I have a funny feeling that the admins had increased the chances of "Wedding March" disks purposely for the Valentine event. The humor. :|
  10. Y

    360 Controller

    No idea. (Away from home right now. Wonderful.)
  11. Y

    360 Controller

    If you mean other than basic use of the left analog stick for movement and buttons that uses the main pallet and menus, then I am guessing you want to use the rest of your buttons and right analog stick? I suggest trying out Joy2key, xpadder, or the one I mostly prefer, antimicro (cuz it's...
  12. Y

    Admins are offline, post lewds

    Re-posting my 8 month old sketch:
  13. Y

    S > BASED STORE [v rare] WOW (UPDATE 07/04/17)

    I'll buy the Sange & Yasha and the Red Dagger if you still have them.
  14. Y

    When you are new on Ephinea...

    Better than [insert old Scht. admin name here].
  15. Y

    Ephinea's drawing thread

    Before you click on the spoiler! If you happen to be new the series or play these games for fun then please don't take these doodles seriously please. As long you are having fun, that's all it matters. Thanks.
  16. Y

    @EricPimpi It came with the controller. It's suppose to have ten in total but it's better than...

    @EricPimpi It came with the controller. It's suppose to have ten in total but it's better than zero. Most sellers that sell the controller may either have no idea or they lost them.
  17. Y

    @ToasterMage Was lazy but here you go:

    @ToasterMage Was lazy but here you go:
  18. Y

    Goods From The BigBreak

    I'd like to buy your Daylight Scar if you still got it.
  19. Y

    To the streamers out there.

    Think my streams might the most boring because I also stream PSOPCv2 (hope you like 4:3 ratio tresh.) In addition ... I rarely stream. So that's working out. :/