Search results

  1. Y

    Hotkey Bar

    When knocked down. Short-menu is my best friend. Also, fuck Ryuker.
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    Most & Least Appealing Characters

    I'll repeat what that one oldfag would say about HUmars. Clown shoes.
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    There is this bible-wait-nevermind. Edit: Also Choice Search=Easiest tool to stalk/mail spam others.
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    Full Dressing Room / Name Changes

    Yes. I've come across a new player who had the same name as mine (same class too) so I'd figured that it'll clear things up if we had the opportunity to have a name change.
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    PC> 15/0/50/0 Angry Fist

    Cuz of that machine %, I guess Male forces for Vol Opt then?
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    Proposed New Drop Charts

    I don't know what you mean "gambling PDs," but really anything that is 45 hit or more is certainly worth fighting over because the Ep.2 gov. quest rewards for hunters is a clean 40 hitter. Sorry.
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    PSO in-game quotes thread

  9. Y

    Totally accurate battle simulator

    I just watch my fav. streamer play them. It gets more hilarious by each update. In addtion I like this (update/extra thing?): (And no, you do not need to watch the whole thing. Feel free to skim it.)
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    Negating Player Healing

    Don't forget that Mags can heal too. Not pleasing at all when we begin the boss fight and one of the DF user got Resta'd by someone's mag. Also Battle mode ... I don't need to say much on that.
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    Episode 2 Drop Tables and Player Blacklist

    Yup ... so much for writing about it.
  12. Y Stripped screw and another minor issue and yet I've made it. It was fun... Stripped screw and another minor issue and yet I've made it. It was fun at least. Might do it again.
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    Just learned that PSO2 South-East Asia servers will be closing...

    Just learned that PSO2 South-East Asia servers will be closing.
  14. Y

    Some interesting differences on Dreamcast.

    For V2: -No mat limits, you do not need to be level 200 to have max stats -Casts cannot use traps until they are level 100 in which they'll be able to use 10 traps. Once to level 150, 15 traps, and then level 200, 20 traps -HUmar/RAmar/HUnewearl can use Grants, Megid, and Resverser but it's all...
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    I got that itch. Thanks for letting me scratch it.

    I don't think that's the same person, the guy who handles the Sonic Twitter now might be Aaron Webber (RubyEclipse). The guy who will complain at anyone who'll hack any latest Sega released game that he is part of, (he cried about PhantasyStarPortble2's costume codes being leaked day 1 of the...
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    Ephinea : Changing ID from Skyly to Purplenum

    Double Exp just kicked in so if your character level is like 80 or less, it shouldn't be a problem.
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    Easter Event 2017 to start 2nd April

    Guess that's why the next HBR will be related to towers. Hope you like hunting it instead of gambling for it.
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    Ephinea's drawing thread

    Around 2009 or 2010 I've made the web of PSO but it was done so vague that it wasn't that good at all. Fast foward to now, someone just released a nifty software that'll make things a lot easier to put together. Warning, wide res. Hopefully the later update will include methods of wrapping...