Search results

  1. Y

    Respect The Lore

    And then Aaron Webber still continues to work for the blue blur fandom after dealing with ded online games.
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    Ephinea's drawing thread

    Sketch dump, also I've finally compiled most of my PSO fanart collection if you or others don't feel like scrolling through the entire thread. [/spoiler]
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    I had no idea we had one of the Vinesauce steamers playing on this server. Wow.

    I had no idea we had one of the Vinesauce steamers playing on this server. Wow.
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    More calibur wielders in Restless Lion

    And never forget the fallen Zanba user in that quest
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    Ephinea's drawing thread

    PSO (CC-0) Original (CC BY-SA 4.0)
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    Ephinea's drawing thread

    Lazy parody of a certain movie.
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    The (e)c(on)omical and social classes of Ephinea/PSO

    Hey it's Bartle ... actually his name is Richard Bartle. He would like you to take his test: No right or wrong answer. Just let us know what kind of player you are. More info here.
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    turn off the blacklist feature, replace with voting option for kick

    And that would be called To-Avoid-List rather than Blacklist. A common practice in the older days of PSO.
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    Optional Ability to Disable Leveling Up

    Griefable. Too easy.
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    Ephinea's drawing thread

  11. Y

    Phantasy Star Universe / Portable / Portable 2

    Yeah, all of it. Compressed.
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    Your top 5 Youtubers you watch or are subbed to

    Any reviews from SsethTzeentach is pure gold. Oh and uh MandaloreGaming, Mister Metokur, Nerd City, and Internet Historian. Might as well throw in Larry Bundy Jr cause top number trends are gey and at least Larry make something unique.
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    Test Room Quest

    Just gonna make it short. Purpose is to test out your weapons' strength/range and armors/units. Sandbox only. (If you want it in normal mode then it'll have to be boring objects to prevent unsealers taking advantage.) Range rooms (Laser fence and such.) Trap rooms (Test out your Dress Plate...
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    Ephinea's drawing thread

    Preview [/spoiler] cc-0 Can't wait to sketch the civilians and the boring soldiers.
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    If only someone gets Real Nei's Claw. (Was told that one finally dropped. Might be incorrect.)
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    Ephinea's drawing thread

    [/spoiler] cc-0 Have fun.
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    Why isn't Zanba usable by female HUs?

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    Next you'll be telling us that there'll be quest mapping contest. Audience cannot vote ... the...

    Next you'll be telling us that there'll be quest mapping contest. Audience cannot vote ... the staff will. :(
  19. Y

    Thumbs up. You did it. 10/10

    Thumbs up. You did it. 10/10