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  1. phantasystarved

    Claire's Deal 5 Guide

    I finally figured it out, and it's not Forest either. Geez, this took me two days of going through every level of every difficulty. The problem with Episode 1 is that by the time you can get Maces in H Mines, special effect tier 2 no longer appears (needed to be tekked down from there). There's...
  2. phantasystarved

    Claire's Deal 5 Guide

    Draw weapons are found in VH Caves, along with Maces aplenty, so I guarantee if you look long enough you'll find one! And also, anything that applies to Caves applies to Crater E/W/S as well.
  3. phantasystarved

    PSO Ephinea All Materials location topic

    Almost! I've been going through Episode 4 to figure this out. Using tech disk drops as a litmus test, it turns out that... Crater East = Cave 1 Crater West = Cave 2 Crater South = Cave 3 Crater North = Mine 1 Crater Interior = Mine 2 Sub Desert 1 = Ruins 1 Sub Desert 2 = Ruins 2 Sub Desert 3 =...
  4. phantasystarved

    Comcast problems

    Nope, can't say I have, but my house probably doesn't use up that much. I imagine it matters what package you buy, as well.
  5. phantasystarved

    Comcast problems

    So, obviously, I am not looking for Ephinea staff to be able to fix this. But I am hoping to get some advice! Colette and I got knocked offline at about 2:45 am EST. We both have Comcast and live in the same area. I'm glad she said something in the shoutbox, because we're both getting annoyed...
  6. phantasystarved

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Weird. Thanks for the answer but that seems a bit... arbitrary on their part.
  7. phantasystarved

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Does the mag's revival ability ever trigger at all? I've died hundreds of times and never seen it activate. It was uncommon to see happen on Gamecube but not nearly that rare. Was it changed for Blue Burst or is it server related?
  8. phantasystarved

    Possible? more inventory, camera, visual timer?

    I bet if Sega had made a Backpack unit with the stats of -100 EVP, +5 items carried that people would be using them. Maybe an idea for episode 5 >.>
  9. phantasystarved

    Claire's Deal 5 Guide

    That would explain why I never see Flame Cutters. From the list above, I have seen Ice Swords in the shop when of a really low level (like, under level 10 or 20, don't remember), and I'm pretty sure I've seen it dropped by N Dragon, so it's probably obtainable in N Caves as well. But most of my...
  10. phantasystarved

    PSO POET Society!!!

    There once was a Rappy from Ragol who molested the rest of his gaggle. "I must warn you," he said, "If you choose to play dead, I will give Willy Winky a waggle."
  11. phantasystarved

    Gallon's Plan issue

    You are supposed to be able to click it for dialogue between you and Alicia. Let me try and see if it broke somehow during the last updates. Edit: Just ran it and it works fine. To get behind the barrier, use the teleporter that appears after you defeat all the rappies in the final room near...
  12. phantasystarved

    May's Hunters Boost Road

    I was being hyberbolic of course... it was a joke about Bossanova, lol. Edit: To make it clearer I should have said "Fake in Blue, Ultimate TTF and Bossanova", I suppose :p That being said, Bossanova on Eph confirmed! Muahahahaha
  13. phantasystarved

    May's Hunters Boost Road

    There we go, then add Bossanova and call May "Cancer Awareness Month"
  14. phantasystarved

    May's Hunters Boost Road

    "April showers bring May flowers" Lost Ice Spinner or EN2 Today's Rate Lost Shock Gungnir 2-2 Deep Within (if gov quests are possible) Max Attack 1 or 2 or 4b i.e. anything with lots of Lilys, I'm running out of ideas lol
  15. phantasystarved

    Client update 1.6.5

    Over the past two days I've playtested the entirety of episode 4 offline free-roam. I was curious to see if there was any glaring reason why they would have disallowed entry, like something being buggy or unfinished or something? Nope. Only thing I found was that they forgot to put some boxes...
  16. phantasystarved


    This reminds me that I really liked the idea of "achievement xp" in some MMOs - basically, once you're max level, you can spend overflow xp buying small perks for your character. So for example, spend 5 million achievement (post-200) xp to change your name, change section ID, increase personal...
  17. phantasystarved

    Client update 1.6.5

    Ade, you're like my comrade-in-arms, seriously. Agree with everything you said. By the way, were you able to figure out the rationale behind how you get the extra NPCs to appear in "To the End of the Wilderness"? Sometimes Sue appears after repeating the quest, then later Alicia, but oftentimes...
  18. phantasystarved


    Request for Matt, if it wouldn't take too long... throwing a teleporter into a certain map. So, in Episode 1's Single Player quest "Knight of Coral", in the Mines map. You know that large distinctive horseshoe-shaped room with the island in the middle? Well, the quest-maker didn't put any way...
  19. phantasystarved

    Client update 1.6.5

    The best thing about this is it makes higher Defense (and hp) a good thing instead of a liability. That used to drive me bonkers. When people on other servers have to equip what was meant to be joke units that decrease your hp just so they can survive bosses, you know something's wrong. Now if...
  20. phantasystarved

    Client update 1.6.5

    Thank you so much for adding respite, that was quite a surprise! I really appreciate the attention to Single-Player mode players even though I'm sure we're a small minority. To Ade: drops should be the same, but there's no quick way to get to Olga in Single Player that I'm aware of. It's still...