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  1. phantasystarved

    The unaltered one could have been. It was a minor alteration to make a smiley face out of the...

    The unaltered one could have been. It was a minor alteration to make a smiley face out of the Yellowboze symbol, but I was so proud of myself anyway because I have no artistic talent at all!
  2. phantasystarved

    Was bored and downloaded to make a new avatar. Fun!

    Was bored and downloaded to make a new avatar. Fun!
  3. phantasystarved

    A guide for people who played PSO2 before PSO

    @Rune @Spuz Cheer up, you got off easy. Apparently I'm a weeb/nerd/trap that's worse than a Humar because I don't understand basic game functions. I'm gonna work that into my profile, just you wait. #HUNIESARETHEBREAST #TITTIESOUTFORCOLETTE
  4. phantasystarved

    Returning Old Guards....the Dreamcasters and Cubers! <3 How? Why? ....

    You're absolutely correct about the emergence of online stores driving brick and mortar stores out of business - that's what happened to Kay-Bee, Babbages, and Electronics Boutiques I used to work at - but the demise of WotC stores, sadly, could have been avoided. They were a great company to...
  5. phantasystarved

    Returning Old Guards....the Dreamcasters and Cubers! <3 How? Why? ....

    I could have sworn I had posted in this thread before, but I guess not! Ok, so... We have a ton of people from Michigan here for whatever reason - maybe someone here ran into me before. Phantasy Star Online came out for the Dreamcast during my tenure as Head Manager at the Wizards of the Coast...
  6. phantasystarved

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    Yikes, I probably get about two bronze badges to drop on average per quest on Ultimate, and maybe a silver every three quests or so, and that's with 0% HBR bonus. I wonder why you're not getting more badges... I've even found a few playing Normal difficulty... Still haven't found a gold badge...
  7. phantasystarved

    What are your biggest PSO pet peeves?

    My biggest pet peeve is that there's too much emphasis on mass incapacitation and instakills in high level play. It's crazy that new players have to be steered away from doing what comes naturally because of damage cancelling or just general inefficiency. If I had my way, special attacks would...
  8. phantasystarved

    Restarting soon. Who should my next main be?

    Hunewearl, Bluefull, Huneydew. Embrace your Huneyosity and use all those cool MST-based melee weapons. Bluefull is perfect for finding many of these.
  9. phantasystarved

    Ephinea Summer Event

    All episodes, very creature dense, 30 minute time limit, come with a group unless you're hunting for something. I have level 120 characters that can't solo Normal difficulty in time.
  10. phantasystarved

    Quick question - Quick answer

    I got trolled twice yesterday with rare monsters dropping bronze badges, haha! Do they drop badges at an increased rate or was it just dumb (un)luck? I thought I had nailed my first Lame drop, but alas.
  11. phantasystarved

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Would my spreadsheet help, perhaps? (made with OpenOffice).
  12. phantasystarved

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    Yep. This is why I hope the kill gates are forgiving later on in the event. It's not other people's fault that I play with self-imposed restrictions, lone-wolfing quests slowly with weapons most would consider trash, and thus only have found three bronze badges so far. I will never get any of...
  13. phantasystarved

    Hey there! Good to see you as well, the Hunewearls and I have just been taking a break. I still...

    Hey there! Good to see you as well, the Hunewearls and I have just been taking a break. I still check Twitch every once in a while, I'll drop by to say hi next time I catch you on! Until then, stay healthy and happy, my friend. -Sean
  14. phantasystarved

    Phantasy Star Universe

    I have retail copies of PSU + the expansion on PC, tried to play it but the silly GameGuard thing won't update and so the game won't start, even for offline play. Is there a workaround for this? Thanks in advance!
  15. phantasystarved

    Gotta be someone who appreciates steak around here...

    If I'm uncertain about the cook's ability, I'll order Medium to cover my bases. Because I hate sending food back. Reminds me of something I saw on TV once where a customer sent back a steak to Gordon Ramsay complaining about the quality of the meat when he had ordered the steak Well Done...
  16. phantasystarved

    The Definitive Section ID topic (for Ephinea!)

    Logged on to say that this is a fantastic guide and to thank you for writing it. I love to nerd out over drop tables and such, so not only did I find it entertaining in that way but I love your sense of humor, as well!
  17. phantasystarved

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Based on what I remember, they existed on the Sega servers but they didn't work right on the private servers, namely, the plusses and minuses did nothing. Eventually they were changed so only the regular units dropped (or maybe the ones with plusses and minuses got changed to the generic names...
  18. phantasystarved

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Is there a character creation outfit color that can be used to get an orange mag?
  19. phantasystarved

    Claire's Deal 5 Guide

    Thanks for all your help Matt! I've been trying to get a tekkable weapon to drop on Forest 1 for like, an hour, haha. Seriously, this game. Sometimes I wish there was a first person shooter version where I could fuck everything up Doom-style. Edit @Matt : The floors in CCA are a bit confusing...
  20. phantasystarved

    Claire's Deal 5 Guide

    I will quadruple check VH Forest then, out of curiosity! But I was only finding tier 3 specials there yesterday. I was able to tek a Heat Mace today from N Tower though. I'll double check N Lower Seabed for completion's sake. All this crap is going into my spreadsheet. :p