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  1. phantasystarved

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Oh yeah, I've been killed this way a few times for sure. This is why I try not to stand too close to Dark Falz, not because he's a threat there, but because if he spins to the exact opposite side and Gibartas, it doesn't leave me time to run even halfway to him. From such a long range he can...
  2. phantasystarved

    Hey there! That's where my parents live, I'm in SCS all the time. There's tons of Michiganders...

    Hey there! That's where my parents live, I'm in SCS all the time. There's tons of Michiganders and Detroiters on this server, I'm happy to see another!
  3. phantasystarved

    Large Quest Update Part 1

    Well, there already is a solo version of Lost Ice Spinner, and Matt fixed all the multiswitches for solo play on the One Player versions. I do have a question for @Matt though, there's no retrieval quests for Episode 2 in one player mode at all last time I checked, was this intended or an...
  4. phantasystarved

    Quick question - Quick answer

    I ran into this a month or two ago. I changed my Fomarl's name and indeed, the next time I logged in her Section ID reverted to match her new name. It did allow me to change her ID after that, but it had been too long for me to remember if I had changed her ID in the first place. I actually...
  5. phantasystarved

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Someone else besides me cares, yay! So, this has actually been an issue since private servers began being a thing. The units with + and - would drop, but they wouldn't add their bonuses or penalties. So to avoid confusion and a gazillion inquiries about them, they just removed them altogether...
  6. phantasystarved

    Quick question - Quick answer

    I found a cookie in my very first cookie run, actually. For your second question, the DAR bonus should help you find more cookies in theory, but they shouldn't be your main target, either.
  7. phantasystarved

    Im a weird one. (Pso tattoo guy)

    This is great man, props. I agree with the others, gotta have a Rappy somewhere, definitely! I also like Skyefallen's idea of a quote somewhere. I've always liked one of the final lines from Rico's message capsules, "This is proof of my existence." The line would make sense within your body art...
  8. phantasystarved

    Memorial for Robin (In-Game)

    I've decided to simulate Robin's experience by stepping in front of a bus PSO irl get on my level
  9. phantasystarved

    Memorial for Robin (In-Game)

    If only she had paused to talk about tentacle hentai instead of entering the room she'd be alive today
  10. phantasystarved

    Halloween Mini-Event

    I think the cookies are meant to be just a nice bonus as you play however you normally do. Plus the black and white effect in the quests is really cool looking. The original Pioneer Halloween quest and Hallo Rappies already give out mag cells, and I wouldn't want the server to neuter the point...
  11. phantasystarved

    Halloween Mini-Event

    It's in Episode 2 under the Event tab, I believe. Edit: Ninja'd!
  12. phantasystarved

    PSU Halloween looping .ogg?

    I tried replacing it a couple years ago, but all the lobby-related music got overwritten by the patcher, and I'm too lazy to do the workaround for that. Then for some reason I didn't save my previous work on it, because I usually do fancy looping stuff to make my oggs sound better and seamless...
  13. phantasystarved

    You know you're American when you're craving fast food and you're not even hungry

    You know you're American when you're craving fast food and you're not even hungry
  14. phantasystarved

    Looking for close up hd pic of Apsaras mag.

    Pink version This is the purple version, you almost can't tell the difference...
  15. phantasystarved

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Yes, in fact the Halloween event is coming soon where Hallo Rappies will drop Jack O'Lanterns which have mag cells. As far as exactly when the event starts, no one knows exactly, but soon. Then Christmas will probably be your next chance for more mag cells, but there's other side events that...
  16. phantasystarved

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Okay, my brain is fried from trying to think this through. It would help if I were smarter. Halp. Here's the scenario: Ramarls (in theory) can max out all their stats perfectly and exactly using a Red Ring, v101, an Adept, and 250 mats. But in order to do so, they'd need a 5/x/6/189-x mag...
  17. phantasystarved

    Alternate Mark III cell

    An alternate mag cell called "Mark III v2" that will turn any non-final-form level 50+ mag into a Mark III. Why: Because some of us mag fashion lovers would like to have Sega System mags with photon blasts. They would lose their ability to become single-stat mags like the original. A Dreamcast...
  18. phantasystarved

    What is your favorite character to play?

    Thank you all for making my forum title relevant again I was sad when Nikki's original Beginner's Guide was sanitized
  19. phantasystarved

    Quick question - Quick answer

    I'm wondering if someone better at math/game mechanics than me could give me more insight into /Power units vs /Luck units. I imagine that Power units are more effective at lower levels and weaker ATPs in general since they are additive while criticals are more like a percentage increase. But...