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  1. YOmap

    YOmap SHOP

  2. YOmap

    What's the story behind your name?

    same construction of the words
  3. YOmap

    b> Blue Odoshi Violet Nimaidou

    Pm'd ya
  4. YOmap

    b> Blue Odoshi Violet Nimaidou

    Think I may have one will pm ya when I get home
  5. YOmap

    What's the story behind your name?

    HUmar RAcast FOmar YOmap see how I got it?
  6. YOmap

    PC>Madam's Umbrella

  7. YOmap

    PC>Madam's Umbrella

  8. YOmap

    B> 45%+ Hit Girasole

  9. YOmap

    YOmap SHOP

  10. YOmap

    YOmap SHOP

  11. YOmap

    pc>30h griasole

    Interesting....didn't know that.
  12. YOmap

    B> Aura Field - Max Def (or both)

  13. YOmap

    pc>30h griasole

    You'd be better off freezing and c.vulc'ing the deldepth/delsaber.
  14. YOmap

    B> Aura Field - Max Def (or both)

    My apologies but I sold the DRL shield this morning. The DRL shield has a set stat of 180def. It doesnt get any difference of stats. I still have the stink shield though if you want it.
  15. YOmap

    pc>30h griasole

    10'ish I sold two 30h's for cheap two days ago, just cuz I wanted to some quick PDs I have a big bounty on a 45%+ Girasole, if you happen to find one.
  16. YOmap

    B> Aura Field - Max Def (or both)

    I have the DRL shield if thats what ur trying to make for the stink shield. I also have a stink shield.
  17. YOmap

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    wow....wish I could get that lucky on this game.
  18. YOmap

    S> 30% Hit Girasole SOLD

  19. YOmap

    S> 30% Hit Girasole SOLD

    0/0/0/25 | 30 15/0/30/0 | 30 - Reserved for Venom 5pds each. Only want photon drops.
  20. YOmap

    RIP Chester :( One of my heros gone in the most selfish way possible.

    RIP Chester :( One of my heros gone in the most selfish way possible.