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  1. YOmap

    PSOBB Addon Plugin (Lua UI addons)

    yes only those words changed link for the latest version?
  2. YOmap

    PSOBB Addon Plugin (Lua UI addons)

    downloaded your add-ons, V3.3 or whatever. It changed the words floor, save, bank, and such to make them bigger. What I want bigger is my drops. Can you provide a link for the most current version?
  3. YOmap

    PSOBB Addon Plugin (Lua UI addons)

    so for the items shown in the character do I make the text bigger? I tried to increase the font size in the configuration file and that diidn't work.
  4. YOmap

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    Your good karma of giving stuff away has paid off...congrats on the find.
  5. YOmap

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    Blue Black Stone on my first gamble...
  6. YOmap

    Hello PSO from Taiwan

    Hello PSO from Taiwan
  7. YOmap

    PC> Red Mechgun

    1pd, maybe 2
  8. YOmap

    Possible bugged item

    You have to drop trade I believe. IIRC, S-ranks were never meant to be traded.
  9. YOmap

    PC> Durandal 0/0/0/30/25

    1-2pd at most
  10. YOmap

    PC> lavis cannon & prp card

    Hope u got a good amount for it.
  11. YOmap

    PC>Daylight scar 65/30/0/15l0h

    Auction it
  12. YOmap

    Cnsidering the cost factor between a 30%Hit Red Saber vs a 45% Hit Excal, Imma go with the...

    Cnsidering the cost factor between a 30%Hit Red Saber vs a 45% Hit Excal, Imma go with the cheaper option haha
  13. YOmap

    Red Saber can be grinded to +78, thus passing the excal...i already tested the numbers. Its not...

    Red Saber can be grinded to +78, thus passing the excal...i already tested the numbers. Its not much but its cheaper than forking out the PDs for a Hit excal. You just don't have the multi hit and berzerk. I just needed the ATA for my FOmar
  14. YOmap

    nah, not really

    nah, not really
  15. YOmap

    Its a set bonus with Crimson Coat....+22 ATA and has more ATP than Excal.

    Its a set bonus with Crimson Coat....+22 ATA and has more ATP than Excal.
  16. YOmap

    Finally caved in and sphere'd the 30% Hit Red Saber. I have stopped the Girasole hunt :( I can...

    Finally caved in and sphere'd the 30% Hit Red Saber. I have stopped the Girasole hunt :( I can now start on other hunts for my chars.
  17. YOmap

    Pc> Sorc Cane

    Taken from PSO-W "A magic cane made from the cane of a Chaos Sorcerer. Reduces TP cost by 10% and steals enemy TP." Boosts Gi- attacks by 20"
  18. YOmap

    Pricecheck plx

    bought a Demonic Fork for 8pd a while back
  19. YOmap

    Berserk Raygun 0/0/0/35/90 +8

    auction it
  20. YOmap

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Anyone know of a damage calculator for PSO? The PSOBB one is gone.