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  1. Echelon

    PSOBB Addon Plugin (Lua UI addons)

    "Font Scale".
  2. Echelon

    Echelon's skins & modifications

    Spring cleaning: -A bunch of edits, reuploads and screenshots. -Reuploaded "PSO2 Crater Interior" and "Subterranean Beach" with their fog entries fixed. They share the same file now so they don't overwrite each...
  3. Subterranean Beach

    Subterranean Beach

  4. PSO2 Crater Interior

    PSO2 Crater Interior

  5. Aperture Science Canadines

    Aperture Science Canadines

  6. Gothic Lobby 11

    Gothic Lobby 11

  7. Luxury Lobby 12

    Luxury Lobby 12

  8. Echelon

    Another GC player renewing his Hunter's License

    welcome and enjoy your stay
  9. Echelon

    PSO Asset Exports

    Good to see you @kion :wacko:, nice work!
  10. Pioneer II HD Screens

    Pioneer II HD Screens

  11. Echelon

    Echelon's skins & modifications

    Well, here's my latest version: Note that it includes Tamashii's Episode 1 City High Resolution Retexture for the neons signs, and it doesn't include the custom screens i made in the principal room because i...
  12. Echelon

    GC veteran joins the fray!

  13. Echelon

    AI-Upscaling Thread

    Couldn't help myself... I gave the guild lady a belly button :lenny: Also doubled her hair so it doesn't look like she has french fries on her head.
  14. Echelon

    AI-Upscaling Thread

    Irene original vs upscaled:
  15. Echelon

    AI-Upscaling Thread

    Momoka upscaled + some photoshop edits:
  16. Echelon

    AI-Upscaling Thread

    Tried it on the guild lady: not that bad actually, her face looks nice enough but part of her clothes looks "painted". Edit: Nurse:
  17. Echelon

    Transferring the lobbies from episode 3

    That would be awesome to have them in BB eventually. No idea about the difficulty of such task, if it can help i have ep3 on Dolphin emu so i can look into the files/ extract them if needed.
  18. Echelon

    Echelon's skins & modifications

    Hi and thanks @yanvbraz; With Texture Manager, open EphineaPSO folder > data > scene: map_acity00.xvm -> Pioneer II Episode 1 Ultimate map_city00.xvm -> Pionner II Episode 1 Normal - Very Hard map_city02.xvm -> Pioneer II Episode 4 All difficulties Import/replace the corresponding files...
  19. Echelon

    Good RAmar shield lv135?

    For Ramar, Ranger Wall all the way until Red Ring at lv180, as it's the only shield that gives that much extra ATA . Plus it's very easy to get (Gallon's shop minigame).
  20. Echelon

    Modern Dark Glass HUD & Addons modifications

    Old thread, not updated anymore. Please see here for the latest stuff: