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  1. Echelon

    PSOBB ReShade Preset with Screen Space Ray Traced Global Illumination
  2. Echelon

    Echelon's skins & modifications

    Hi, as you may have noticed i took a break again, indefinitly. But the other day i was lurking the forums to see if there was any other attempts at upscaling for BB and to my surprise there is none. So i figured i could upload the one i made before i ran out of Gigapixel trial a few months ago...
  3. Forest HD Upscaled 2

    Forest HD Upscaled 2

  4. Forest HD Upscaled 1

    Forest HD Upscaled 1

  5. Echelon

    Animated or moving textures?

    If it's not already animated you can't.
  6. Echelon

    Nier:Automata X PSOBB

    About the black photon color: You swapped the models, but did you swapped the textures .bin as well (so you can reskin on the PoM texture)? If so, idk.
  7. Echelon

    Nier:Automata X PSOBB

    Well done!
  8. Echelon

    Looking for a bulk texture extraction tool

    You probably can automate it with a script (with Gigapixel I could do it in batch) but i would'nt do that, because you want to try different settings for different textures. The results vary widly from one to another, so you have to play with noise reduction/remove blur, x2/x4 depending on the...
  9. Echelon

    Looking for a bulk texture extraction tool

    I've been there before :oops: Months of work and it's not finished, ran out of Gigapixel AI free trial.
  10. Echelon

    Summer Scavenger Event 2019

    Yellowboze Forest. Edit: Oran ruins.
  11. Echelon

    Phantasy Star Online 2 is coming to the west!

    They did, in my opinion.
  12. Echelon


    In that case, what do you think about increasing meseta rewards (not drops) for doing quest in Ang? With Charge special, most of us are always broke (i know i am), the only way currently to "hunt" for meseta is PW3 boxes and we all know how it's boring and uninspired. Here's a little incentive...
  13. Echelon

    Echelon's skins & modifications

    -New HD Custom Effects & Technics version is available: Download: Edit: reuploaded the Commander Blade model swap, it was .bin files instead of AFPatch. Fixed now.
  14. New Effects & Techs

    New Effects & Techs

  15. Echelon

    Quick question - Quick answer

    @drownedburrito 3rd evolution can change every 5 levels. Kama is Pow>Dex>Mind, continue to feed power until you have more than dex and you should get your kama back. You can wait until you use the mag cell at level 100 to feed your remaining Dex since as i said mag cell table is the...
  16. Echelon

    Quick question - Quick answer

    One thing you can do is to put your cursor in the lower right corner and turn off your mouse while playing PSO, it will prevent the cursor to reset its position / go up each time you open menus.
  17. Echelon

    Echelon's skins & modifications

    The game does not use two different models, it's one model by itself (one .bin file), that's why you can't do that by swapping method as you can only swap one .bin file with an other. It would require to introduce new models into the game and nobody succeded to do that yet, sadly.
  18. Echelon

    Echelon's skins & modifications

    Not sure, i think you can model swap with only one weapon at a time, meaning it would either give Twin Sange or Twin Yasha. Would have to test to make sure (i don't have a S&Y) but i don't think it would work.
  19. Echelon

    Shameful HUD help hours

    @Zeero It's a lot more work and time than you seems to think, unless it was a simple recolor sadly i don't think (although i could be wrong) someone will make that for you. If i learned one thing in modding, it's that if you want things done right, you've got to do it yourself. If you are...
  20. Echelon

    unusual ep 2 slow down

    Also you can try to set your power management to "Prefer Maximum Performance" mode. It helped some people including me. Used to have slowdowns and now i get 30fps in seaside with shaders, mods and max draw distance.