Search results

  1. Stomper

    A>Berserk Arms 75Hit (DONE 595PDs)

    Congratulations! @CritDraw Let me know what times work for you to meet up? Thanks!
  2. Stomper

    A>Berserk Arms 75Hit (DONE 595PDs)

    CHB 5 Hours Left! :)
  3. Stomper

    Stomper's Trade List (PDT)Updated 7/3/2023

    1PD Ill gladly buy the cookie from you.
  4. Stomper

    A>Berserk Arms 75Hit (DONE 595PDs)

    Here's your chance if you always wanted one. Reserve: 225 PDs Countdown: 72H, then the usual 24H reset during the final 24H. Increments: of 5PDs please. Accepting: Photon Drops Photon Hoards Photon Sphere @ 95PDs Good Luck and Thank you for Bidding!
  5. Stomper

    Stomper's Trade List (PDT)Updated 7/3/2023

    1 1 3 1
  6. Stomper

    [DONE, 36PD]A>25M 15H Heaven Striker

    Hey this isn't the auction I was looking forward too? Where's the sexy Calibur? :lenny:
  7. Stomper

    B> Twin Blaze

    As title says, I must of team pointed my spare somehow... :lenny:
  8. Stomper

    S> Heaven Striker [0/20/0/0|50] - 2000 PDs (DONE)

    I’ll wait until Black Friday :lenny:
  9. Stomper


    Vulcan [Spirit] [0/0/0/0|60] - 20 ARREST NEEDLE - 25 Thanks
  10. Stomper

    A> zanba

    This was a confusing auction oh well.
  11. Stomper

    Stomper's Trade List (PDT)Updated 7/3/2023

    Sounds good.
  12. Stomper

    Stomper's Trade List (PDT)Updated 7/3/2023

    I go online 1:30am till I fall asleep and get on line in the mornings 11am till 3pm tops Pacific west coast. Weekends vary.
  13. Stomper

    Stomper's Trade List (PDT)Updated 7/3/2023

    Sure I can hop online in like an hour if you still need.
  14. Stomper

    A> zanba

    50 on DoB
  15. Stomper

    A> zanba

    You forgot to post the countdown or mention which one.....? After the minimum is bid, a countdown must start between 24 to 72 hours in length. If there is a bid during the final 24 hours, the countdown is extended to 24 hours.
  16. Stomper

    PDA>Vivienne [0/0/0/0/35]

    10 to start.
  17. Stomper

    Stomper's Trade List (PDT)Updated 7/3/2023

    Online now