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  1. milkinaction

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    Phat xmas loot part 1
  2. milkinaction

    Christmas 2018 Event Thread

    Seen like 10 mil lillies while hunting lavis I'm starting to regret changing from purp :x
  3. milkinaction

    Christmas 2018 Event Thread

    75h zerk arms, price check? :lenny:
  4. milkinaction

    do you regret not selling one to me

    do you regret not selling one to me
  5. milkinaction

    Ephinea Picture/Video Topic

    when the boss PBs
  6. milkinaction

    get out of my head bee

    get out of my head bee
  7. milkinaction

    Cute animals thread

    Is this cute? First stick insect hatchling (I think, theyre prob everywhere)
  8. milkinaction

    gib sjs

    gib sjs
  9. milkinaction

    Cute animals thread

    I prefer the term cat snake
  10. milkinaction

    Cute animals thread

    I have ferrets they're little shits
  11. milkinaction

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

  12. milkinaction

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    So this is the power... of HBR
  13. milkinaction

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    Got rocked by a hildetorr
  14. milkinaction

    Team Hunters Boost Road!

    I can join been spamming HBR all week, need a team for all these junk reds too :lenny:
  15. milkinaction

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    Guess I'll summit moon this bad boy
  16. milkinaction

    S>last swan 4 pd

    I'll take one
  17. milkinaction

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    Secret Gear on second roll, FTD here I come
  18. milkinaction

    I have stopped forcing myself to play / finish games I don't enjoy.

    Starting with objectively the best Souls game is probably where you went wrong, it's hard going from fast paced and fluid to slow and clunky. Hell I started the series with Dark Souls and I can't play DS3 for more than five minutes after Bloodborne. Aside from the lazy chalice dungeons that game...