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  1. root

    Small shop / trade list.

    Recently started to play again so not much to offer yet, but have a few things to sell so far. Will update when I find more stuff. Weapons: Striker of Chao - 1 PD Hell Raygun - 30/0/0/0/40 - 100k meseta Calibur 0/0/0/0/60 - 3 PDs Arrest Dagger 0/0/0/0/60 - 1 PD Demon's Slicer 0/0/0/0/55 - 1 PD...
  2. root

    What's the best (read: OPTIMAL) controller for PSO:BB

    Playstation 2 controller + Joy2Key.
  3. root

    Cwood's Mag Shop: LV 200 Sato, Nidra, Rati, Kama, 185 Mind Mags!

    Yep, i'm on for another few hours, just let me know where and when to meet you.
  4. root

    Cwood's Mag Shop: LV 200 Sato, Nidra, Rati, Kama, 185 Mind Mags!

    Is your shop still open? I'd like to buy a grey power sato if you have any left.
  5. root

    Open Mic

    Lower master ravens ATP and special to the same as Last Swan and combo unlock it 8-)
  6. root

    B>Frozen Shooter & other stuff

    Yeah, but if you wanted PDs for it you'll have to wait until I find more. I haven't updated this list in a while, sorry. :(
  7. root

    Hardcore mode is now LIVE!

    That's kind of what I meant by "more than enough".
  8. root

    Hardcore mode is now LIVE!

    Even if I played 2 hours a day, it would still take the same amount of time in hours. I'm not sure of the point you're trying to make here.
  9. root

    Hardcore mode is now LIVE!

    The whole point of it is to be hard, making it easier/faster to get to ultimate defeats the whole point of it. Also, what does how many days have to do with anything? It still took the same amount of hours. That time also included sitting in pioneer 2 feeding a second mag, which probably added a...
  10. root

    Hardcore mode is now LIVE!

    2x exp is already more than enough, I got to 65 in less than 19 hours of play time, and thats starting with nothing. After transfering a mind mag I made to a new character, i got from level 1-20 in less than an hour.
  11. root

    Hardcore mode is now LIVE!

    Should we use the regular trading forum for trades in this mode? Mabye put it in the topic title somehow or something. Or will there be another sub-forum added for it?
  12. root

    Hardcore mode is now LIVE!

    Doing dragon runs with an alt to level could be bad in a way. Since you cant get items from non hardcore accounts, you wont be picking up money, which you kinda need to feed your mag. You'll end up in ultimate mode with like a level 10-30 mag.
  13. root

    Hardcore mode is now LIVE!

    Great addition to the server. Thanks for adding it Soda!
  14. root

    Death Penalty

    When does the server subtract EXP? Right when your HP is 0? Or is it after you hit the return to Pioneer 2 button?
  15. root

    Ephinea Drop Chart (Updated: 10/10/2015)

    Re: Ephinea Drop Chart (Updated: 9/12/2015) Was just about to say the same thing. It makes sense since whitill also finds ricos glasses and ricos earrings from ruins.
  16. root

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    WOW... I've been hunting S-Parts for weeks, probably done 3-1 about 100 times now, then this guy just trades it away for a Cross Scar... FML
  17. root


    For me personally, It helped differentiate in the quick switch menu between Yellow letter normal items like Hell Laser, Demons Diska etc. The odd time i'll quick switch to the wrong weapon, but not really a big deal. Would just be nice to be able to have it an option and not forced.
  18. root

    B>Frozen Shooter & other stuff

    Re: B>Smartlink & other stuff Did you want to trade for v502? Or anything else?
  19. root

    B>Frozen Shooter & other stuff

    Any stats frozen shooter is fine. I'm also looking for Sacred Guard, Light Relief, magic rock moola and rappys wing. Here's what I have: Bloody Art 0/30/0/30/15 Cross Scar 30/0/0/0/15 Demons Spinner 0/0/0/0/35 Demons Diska 0/25/0/40/15 Fill Raygun 0/0/30/0/35 Kings Raygun 0/0/0/0/45 Gush...
  20. root

    Rare drops exclusive to one Section ID?

    Re: Rares unique to one Section ID? Rianov 303SNR-5