Search results

  1. Jafet777

    A: Calibur 25/0/0/0/80

    @Kork just saw this yea I got lucky after failing to get the Calibur. So I don’t feel bad neither :3 love you
  2. Jafet777

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Is there a way to change the music on seaside without changing the rest of jungle & mountains area? =\
  3. Jafet777

    The Two Retire Mexican Hunters!

    I think is time to honor two of my friends that I made here Soccra and Joel. I remember when I first met this two guys they were making their way up to Ultimate. They were in Fondra 01-01 asking people who speak Spanish. At the time I was kinda tired of leveling new player because simply they...
  4. Jafet777

    A: Calibur 25/0/0/0/80

    I just wasn’t sure if I was gonna have a buyer to sell some things and just found out now. And it’s doesnt make sense to bit without having making sure of having the pds
  5. Jafet777

    A: Calibur 25/0/0/0/80

    I was gonna have the pds by tonight to do the buyout and I was too late ={
  6. Jafet777

    Missing plz help you be Rewarded!

    Sniffles was found and she is safe :3 I am just waiting for @guybasil to pick up his reward!
  7. Jafet777

    And you are weird as well... :3

    And you are weird as well... :3
  8. Jafet777

    Missing plz help you be Rewarded!

    I hope so to see my friend back
  9. Jafet777

    Missing plz help you be Rewarded!

  10. Jafet777

    Selfie thread.

    Excuse the photo bomb from the mighty prince of all dishes...Fagita!!! Is still a great selfie with my son Goten! Hope everyone is having a blast day! :3
  11. Jafet777

    It all started with a PGF!

    Love that comment :3 xD
  12. Jafet777

    It all started with a PGF!

    Positive vibes
  13. Jafet777

    It all started with a PGF!

    It all started witn a Parasitic Gene Flow! (Story of a friendships) Heathcliff Flowen pupil is Rico Tyrell!!! But in my case my pupil is Yume All my life I played PSO stuck in a damn GameCube for more than 10 yrs! Having a %0 chance rate on PGF and RR. Searching in google how to make the...
  14. Jafet777

    S>V502 25 pds

  15. Jafet777

    Hi my names is Goku! #^.^#

    Hi my names is Goku! #^.^#
  16. Jafet777

    Selfie thread.

    Been chilling with family and friends hardly no PSO today but here is a selfie!!!
  17. Jafet777

    [FINISHED]A>85h Calibur

    ={ wish I had anything to bet for this! D=
  18. Jafet777

    [FINISHED]A>85h Calibur

  19. Jafet777

    B>D phonton Core

    Msg me
  20. Jafet777

    A> Calibur 0/30/0/35/70

    43 pds