(2)typeme/mechgun 15 pds each
(2)TypeSH/shot 15 pds each
TypeSW/J-sword 15 pds
(3) H/arms 4 pds each new
V101 17 pds new
TJS 0/15/0/0/0 275 pds new
Frozen shotter 15 hit 1 pd new
Discord Jafet777#5931
Not a fan of auctioning. ¿Is this my first auction ever!? o_O Idk anyways a TJS starting at 275 pds!
Stats 0/15/0/0/0
I’ll rate a PS at 95 pds
I would prefer PDS & PS plz
And doing that 24 hrs countdown thingy y’all know the deal.