Search results

  1. Jafet777

    PDA>Grantz LV30 (DONE) 50pd

  2. Jafet777

    PDA>Grantz LV30 (DONE) 50pd

  3. Jafet777

    Selfie thread.

    Monday brought to you by Jafet
  4. Jafet777

    A>Gifoie 30 (DONE)

    300 pds
  5. Jafet777


    I think I got them
  6. Jafet777

    Selfie thread.

    trying to stay wake for my new schedule of ... night shift!
  7. Jafet777

    Semi-Immortality and You

    I wouldn't take it I could easily ask for immortality with Shenron. I rather keep growing stronger and face life obstacles being normal. thought I did think about it for a bit since I did had a heart virus that almost kill me.... but nah Trunks would bring me more medicine from the future. Just...
  8. Jafet777

    A Case Against 'Untekk Rate Fix' And Other Changes

    With that last statement wouldn’t that make most of us event players? o_O since the chances of prices will be better that actually hunting the damn thing. I’m trying to follow things here.
  9. Jafet777

    A Case Against 'Untekk Rate Fix' And Other Changes

    hopefully my points aint taking in a bad way its not here to change the mind of the admistration i thank you so much for the game i always been thankful for being part of ephinea and the community, i haven't been active much so sorry for the inactivity also i didnt check for my spelling so my...
  10. Jafet777

    A Case Against 'Untekk Rate Fix' And Other Changes

    personally i respect the decision that the administrations do and even most bans that the admits do are well justified to the point i agree. Ephinea as my first server ever has impressed me with the things that has done and the way they progress. It has improve so much that it never fails to...
  11. Jafet777

    A > Megid 30 (Winner - NDW - 124PD)

    Surprise 10 pds :3
  12. Jafet777

    A> Hell Laser 60 h Closed!

    45 pds
  13. Jafet777

    S> 10M maseta Sold

    10M maseta for 20 pds!!! You can also Slide in my DM’s discord’s Jafet777#5931 is a better way to reach me.
  14. Jafet777

    A> Photon Booster

    30 pds :3
  15. Jafet777

    Eistee's New Bankdump

    Interested on the lame :3
  16. Jafet777

    s> Items

  17. Jafet777

    Jafet's Capsule Corp. updated 03/29/19

    Might as well bump it once. :3