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  1. VonSkankenhelm

    186 Mind 12 Def 2 Dex Mag

    I made my 15/0/0/185 just fine long ago. I'm trying to recreate my 12/0/2/186 mag I made back on Dreamcast (and have recent screenshots of), but with estlla instead of farla and it doesn't seem to be working. I might end up with 13/0/2/185 or 12/0/3/185 if I'm lucky. I don't know what gives...
  2. VonSkankenhelm

    PSO Seabed map for TF2

    Wow nice work!
  3. VonSkankenhelm

    PC Guts Thread

    My CPU is a neuronet processor, a learning computer.
  4. VonSkankenhelm

    What are you listening to?

    Heh heh. I used Doom wall textures for my custom tags in that. After Swamp Thing I listened to a whole album remix of NES Super Dodge Ball music and then started listening to another whole album remix of the same game. Gotta love Vodkapella!
  5. VonSkankenhelm

    What are you listening to?

    Swamp Thing's Creature Feature album
  6. VonSkankenhelm

    How do you get through to people if they're glued to their phones?

    Just start dancing nearby. But not uncomfortably close. Maybe about 15ft away. Of course I base this advice on absolutely nothing.
  7. VonSkankenhelm

    Random media dump

    Is that sandbox mode or something you can do with those specific items? But making three of it is ridiculous.
  8. VonSkankenhelm

    What are you listening to?

    A lot of Metroid music that fits PSO very well from , the versions by the Minibosses, and even some old midis. Actually the whole album. Also fits well.
  9. VonSkankenhelm

    PC Guts Thread

    But Mew already beat me to referencing Terminator! Ha!
  10. VonSkankenhelm

    Most & Least Appealing Characters

    This Hucast rocks! And he knows what's good.
  11. VonSkankenhelm

    What if most class restrictions were removed on gear? What class would get buffed the most?

    Heh, Hunters could use spread needle on Dreamcast and it was ridiculous! Especially with all the duping of them going on. I'm so glad all items are legit on here.
  12. VonSkankenhelm

    Team FiasCO - We ruined christmas

    I've been in the angry dome ever since I learned the Bolsheviks were in bed with elite bankers in New York and maybe London all while they were telling Russians to beware the bourgeoisie. But anyway... This is missing the the most glorious pictures of Putin. And this is good for a chuckle...
  13. VonSkankenhelm

    TTF reward bug.

    I had none left and still had none that time. The previous time I had 3 left in my inventory with no gain of an additional 5.
  14. VonSkankenhelm

    Gallon's Plan Bug

    I've had this bit of trouble. I just drop an item and walk back and forth over it until it works. Even though the egg doesn't use an inventory space (the tickets do), I thought having a full inventory might be the problem. But it also happened once when I wasn't full but always eventually...
  15. VonSkankenhelm

    TTF reward bug.

    I got S-Rank in the Very Hard TTF Quest. It says my reward is 5 Star Atomizers and I look in my inventory with plenty of room and they're not there. I might have been given a scape doll instead, but not entirely sure about that. I think this happened twice, but I took screenshots of the last...
  16. VonSkankenhelm

    What are you listening to?

    After we killed Falz in a Very Hard TTF run, I went back down myself to hunt down any remaining enemies with my antique Rianov 303SNR with this playing in the background: Then I did multi Endless Nightmare 2 solo by myself with MDFMK (KMFDM backwards) playing in the background and my Racast's...
  17. VonSkankenhelm

    Most & Least Appealing Characters

    I can imagine a Fonewm being like Willy Wonka (the Johnny Depp version) and saying "I was never as short as you... cause I wore platforms."