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  1. VonSkankenhelm

    Random media dump

  2. VonSkankenhelm

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Is v501 greater than v502 or the other way around? How much HP does Heavenly/HP give? isn't clear on the v50* descriptions, doesn't list Heavenly/HP, and just has God/HP giving 80 HP.
  3. VonSkankenhelm

    Section ID

    Simultaneous V101 and Lame D'Argent hunt in Ep4 Max Attack 3C quest.
  4. VonSkankenhelm

    Post the last photo, gif or video that made you laugh too hard

    That video needs the boing sound from when you miss a dunk in old NBA JAM TE for Super Nintendo.
  5. VonSkankenhelm

    What anime are you currently watching?

    Just saw the first few episodes of Castlevania on Netflix. It might be American made, but it really looks like Japanese Anime. It's freaking great. Really follows the story of the games well and flushes out the back story more. AND they actually got the GEOGRAPHY right! The real Vlad III...
  6. VonSkankenhelm

    Disconnecting after completing quests with friends

    I think I was surprised by it at first in Blue Burst and then I just thought "so that's just the way it is here", though I've been annoyed by it at times. Just a little speed bump in questing is all.
  7. VonSkankenhelm

    What anime are you currently watching?

    Watched Read or Die last night.
  8. VonSkankenhelm

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    Doing a Very Hard Greenill run of War of Limits 2 just for the XP, I got TWO Heavenly/arms from Satellite Lizards. 1⁄2482.42 chance each while having no luck bonus! Meanwhile all the time I hunted Limiter during increased DAR and Rare rates I got none of them.
  9. VonSkankenhelm

    Team points??

    I feel like it's sacrilege to turn in Gae Bolg for team points, being the legendary spear of Cúchulainn even if it's 0/0/0/0/0.
  10. VonSkankenhelm

    Try 'em Sam-I-Am...

    Will Chief Pentaglass try 'em?...
  11. VonSkankenhelm

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    Both teammates disconnected at Kondrieu. Came pretty close to beating it. Took another whack at it solo with plenty of scapes and got this.... (Just using caduceus, 4 slot red coat with all dragon hps, force wall, and 15/0/0/185 mag)
  12. VonSkankenhelm

    Permanent Kill Counter Event Rewards

    Anytime you want the feeling of starting over using your current char there's always challenge mode.
  13. VonSkankenhelm

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    Gambling I think about a mil worth of 100K gambles at once, I got two ? Special Weapons in a row and an HP material.
  14. VonSkankenhelm

    How long did you take to get your first level 200?

    In a game with a L199 player, someone asked him how XP til 200. He said 4 mil to which they responded you could raise two characters to L100 with that. So I'll probably have ten L100+ characters first, if I ever even reach L200.
  15. VonSkankenhelm

    PW3 "Box Run" Guide for New Players & Veterans

    Would a Fonewearl's piercing Megid (or any force's) be a good substitute for a 50 Hit Hell Raygun?
  16. VonSkankenhelm

    Jukebox Update Suggestions

    Keeping it stuff from at least Sega systems and maybe Overclocked Remixes of them: Music from Genesis games: Castlevania Bloodlines (Called New Generation in Europe) Contra Hard Corps (Simon 1994RD for some short but sweet crack) Maybe some Double Dragon (2 only came out in Japan) music but...
  17. VonSkankenhelm

    Favourite/Worst Controllers

    For First Person Shooters (Doom, etc.) and Real Time Strategy (Command & Conquer) = mouse & keyboard PSO = DC controller plus keyboard on here. But aiming would be better with keyboard only. This is the only game I like using an analog stick. The Analog aiming was better on console versions...
  18. VonSkankenhelm

    Weapon Guidebook

    I think RAmar's max MST might to be too low to equip the Holy Ray in Blue Burst. I think he could only use it back on Dreamcast which had a ATA requirement instead.
  19. VonSkankenhelm

    186 Mind 12 Def 2 Dex Mag

    Argh, that's an awful little change! Anyway, I'm managed to get to L35 Tapas with 13/0/2/20. So the mag can still be 13/0/2/185. The last about 20 monofluids I had to bank between every single one to keep shaving off the .01 def. If I started banking earlier I could have just did it between...