Search results

  1. Blacklist

    Dark Flow 0/50/0/50|50 (CHB: 50)

    Winner. I’ll be around in about 8hours from now to exchange.
  2. Blacklist

    Dark Flow 0/50/0/50|50 (CHB: 50)

    CHB and 24h reset from this bid. If no other bids, auction will end at 0309 EST tomorrow.
  3. Blacklist

    Dark Flow 50/0/50/0|50 (CHB: 48)

    I think this is accurate, so correct me if I’m incorrect. Since this bet wasn’t in the final 24 hours, if no other bids happen, this ends at 72 hours from the first bid (which should be 0043 EST).
  4. Blacklist

    A>Force complete equipment. [CHB 400] [Done]

    Eyeballing that grants 30
  5. Blacklist

    Dark Flow 50/0/50/0|50 (CHB: 48)

    Technically the 17 bid stands; but i imagine it will go past 17 or 18. so I don’t have a problem with it.
  6. Blacklist

    Dark Flow 50/0/50/0|50 (CHB: 48)

    Res: 1pd Time: 72/24
  7. Blacklist

    Dark Flow 0/50/0/50|50 (CHB: 50)

    Res: 1pd Time: 72/24
  8. Blacklist

    B> Yasha (garbage stats ok)

  9. Blacklist

    A> heaven striker [ 0/0/0/15/20] CHB:40 ( done )

    It almost was, lol. Moot point though because it is now. Just made me chuckle.
  10. Blacklist

    A> 0/0/0/0/60 Berserk Diska

    Lowered Res.
  11. Blacklist

    ES "Berserk Launcher" +180 w/ Special (Done@60)

    You win this. Message me when you would like to meet up.
  12. Blacklist

    A> Charge Launcher 0/0/0/0|55 (done @ 1)

    If no one bids in next 10 min this is yours
  13. Blacklist

    A> 0/0/0/0/60 Berserk Diska

    Res: 5 Time: 48/24
  14. Blacklist

    ES "Berserk Launcher" +180 w/ Special (Done@60)

    I used it for a while but it's just collecting dust atm. Really good for EP4 boss, hits all the body parts. Pretty much great for any boss actually since it pierces or w/e. Res: 45 Time: 72/24