Search results

  1. Plushie69

    Kinda New to PSO

    Welcome :) You'll fit right in, there are plenty of returning players, from back in the Dreamcast days. hope to see you around, I'm always helping new/low level players.
  2. Plushie69

    EL’s trade list

    Am interested in these, Let me know when you can meet next :)
  3. Plushie69

    Team Monolith

  4. Plushie69

    closed for now

    These things :D
  5. Plushie69

    Arsuru's Surplus | S-Ranks & More

    :3 Let me know when you are able to meet up.
  6. Plushie69

    Arsuru's Surplus | S-Ranks & More

    STill have?
  7. Plushie69

    A>Vjaya [30/15/0/0|50] (winner: ender 99pds)

    @Ender You're a winner! pm me for pick up :D
  8. Plushie69

    A>Vjaya [30/15/0/0|50] (winner: ender 99pds)

    CHB Ender w/ 99 24 hr countdown
  9. Plushie69

    A>Vjaya [30/15/0/0|50] (winner: ender 99pds)

    CHB Ender w/ 99 approx. 35 hrs. left :)
  10. Plushie69

    A>Vjaya [30/15/0/0|50] (winner: ender 99pds)

    CHB Cameron w/ 85 approx. 37 hrs left
  11. Plushie69

    A>Vjaya [30/15/0/0|50] (winner: ender 99pds)

    Chb Cameron w/ 40 approx 39 hr left.
  12. Plushie69

    Very happy to be here!

    @CylestIsBest I was in your shoes about, Hmm , I wanna say 8 years ago "dreaming" about pso, Trying everything in my power from Emulators for Dreamcast , to Trying to get a burned copy for the wii, and just trying my best to feel that experience again since my0 Gamecube disk finally gave out on...
  13. Plushie69

    A>Vjaya [30/15/0/0|50] (winner: ender 99pds)

    @cameron- Chb w/ 30 48 hr Countdown
  14. Plushie69

    A>Vjaya [30/15/0/0|50] (winner: ender 99pds)

    Reserve: 30PD 48 hr countdown after reserve is met 24 hr Resets Wants: PDs PCs
  15. Plushie69

    Does anyone play this keyboard only?

    Keyboard is just easier imo I prefer WASD to move, 1-9 for hot bar, and Arrows keys for navigating menus + Up arrow key to rotate camera. You obviously don't get the super smooth turning that you would with an analog, but If I need to whip around real quick to catch falz when she's not...
  16. Plushie69

    PC> Vjaya [30/15/0/0/50]

    Probably going to Auction , but Just wanted to double check the value and maybe see what I should start the res at, Since I don't really do auctions very often.
  17. Plushie69

    Team Monolith

    :) Have fun ~
  18. Plushie69

    Team Monolith

    Hey Team, Taking some personal time off, going to be away for a couple of months. I wish all of you happiness and Luck! Happy hunting Monolith!~ <3
  19. Plushie69

    plz buy mah stuf or theey'll gona hurt me!! :(

    I'll take a D.scale ! Just let me know next time you're available.