Search results

  1. Plushie69

    I have a few things to sell, mainly looking for a few items to buy. Need heart of devil and others.

    Always looking for more Flowen's Shields. :3c (will pay 4pds for both)
  2. Plushie69

    Garage sale

    I want this :D
  3. Plushie69

    B > Maser Beam [CLOSED]

    Rip I had a 35 hit one :^)
  4. Plushie69

    B> V101 and V801 (DONE)

    I have an 801 If you're still looking for one.
  5. Plushie69

    S> Cannon Rouge (0/30/0/25) 6 PDs

    :^) Allll planned .
  6. Plushie69

    Tips for episode 4

  7. Plushie69

    A> Bank Cull [CHB: 25PD]

    10 turned up
  8. Plushie69

    Obi`s Shop

    Can meet w/e I'm on now.
  9. Plushie69

    A> Bank Cull [CHB: 25PD]

  10. Plushie69

    Obi`s Shop

    If still available :)
  11. Plushie69

    Stomper's Trade List (PDT)Updated 7/3/2023

    ^ Will take these if they're still available.
  12. Plushie69

    S> Zanba, SoF, Guren etc.

    1 of each please :3c
  13. Plushie69


  14. Plushie69

    A> 100 Event Eggs | Ended

  15. Plushie69

    A> 100 Event Eggs | Ended

  16. Plushie69

    PSO2 drop style questionnaire for the community

    1) Yes 2) Yes 3) No
  17. Plushie69

    S>Blue Black Stone BBS 45 pds RES

    Am interested in Syncesta.
  18. Plushie69 Bwaja Bwast uwu Bwaja Bwast uwu