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  1. Minsc

    Minsc's PSO Journal

    Bit of an update. Run 6 - PD x 3, Red Mechgun 0/0/0/30/25 Somewhere else I snagged a Demon's Laser 0/0/0/40/40 In order to be more reasonable I'm attempting to clamp down on my play time. My aim now is to do one quest a day. It's so very tempting to play longer. Alas, I know it is not to...
  2. Minsc

    Minsc's PSO Journal

    Did some Fiasco yesterday. Run 1 - Photon Drop x1 Run 2 - (DC'd during mines) - Materials Run 3 - Present (M&A Vise 50h), Present (Anti-Dark Ring), Stag Cutlery 0h Run 4 - Present (Luck Material, maybe?), Heavenly Legs, Hitless M&A Vise x2 Run 5 - Bunch of hitless Dragon Slayers, Present...
  3. Minsc

    Minsc's PSO Journal

    I knew I picked the correct name. :D " 19:33:45 Enter 01:US/Fodra:01-01 19:34:33 Enter 01:US/Fodra:01-13 19:34:55 42001976 Dr.Gregman hi 19:34:59 42001976 Dr.Gregman yesterday 19:35:02 42001976 Dr.Gregman is it tomorrow alrady 19:35:06 42001976...
  4. Minsc

    Minsc's PSO Journal

    Whew, been getting too sucked into the game. It's time to step back. Here's some recent finds which come to memory. - Laconium Axe 0/0/25/15/0 - Frozen Shooter 25/0/15/0/15
  5. Minsc


    They indeed are. Supplied the the Compaq Computer Corporation. I find they get the job done when I don't use headphones.
  6. Minsc


    Did a little excavating.
  7. Minsc

    That's a Solid Coffee

    I have discovered that my VISA has tekked with the "Charge" special. The Hit level varies depending on my own willpower. Edit: Better yet... I have discovered that my VISA has tekked with the "Charge" special. The Hit level is inversely proportional to my own level of willpower.
  8. Minsc

    Minsc's PSO Journal

    RIP Grandma. Last night I made an exception and briefly hopped online to get into the end of this fellows PSO stream. Though the video is yet to be published.
  9. Minsc

    Minsc's PSO Journal

    So, last night ended up being a bit of a null night. I couldn't get myself into the mood to enjoy playing. Perhaps due to my grandmother having a stroke over the weekend and now being in the hospital. Did manage to slay the Sil Dragon a couple times so I did accomplish something. In other...
  10. Minsc

    Archvile's hunting journey

    Yeah, if I did the voice thing I would use Discord. The 100+ messages is a pain. It's there for those who like it, just like these forums are here.
  11. Minsc

    What are you listening to?

    I found bill wurtz today.
  12. Minsc

    Archvile's hunting journey

    I just couldn't get myself into Discord. A forum post can be more structured and in-depth.
  13. Minsc

    Minsc's PSO Journal

    PSO night tonight has come to a close. I took Yesterday on and ran a couple quests with some fellows. I believe their names were Pixl, Jack, and SA. Tonight I gained: - Morning Glory 0/0/0/30/30 * - Demolition Comet 0/0/35/25 * - Demon's Ripper 0/0/0/0/55 * - Amplifier of Blue - Photon Drop...
  14. Minsc

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Nothing really started yet in it but I fired up the MineColonies mod for Minecraft last night. I'll also take the opportunity to show of a skin I made. :)
  15. Minsc

    Minsc's PSO Journal

    Seriously considering hardcore mode, at least as an alt.
  16. Minsc

    Minsc's PSO Journal

    Last nights play session has come and gone. The good: - Helped a couple entry level hard difficulty users through TTF. To help me remember people I'll see if I can recall who they were here. There was a HUcaseal named 019 and a FOnewearl named AstralLuna. Overconfidence lead to my own...
  17. Minsc

    Hello everyone

    Welcome lad. :)
  18. Minsc

    Minsc's PSO Journal

    Gotta fondle those teats.
  19. Minsc

    Minsc's PSO Journal

    I'm thinking after I milk the cows in the evening. So it could be 8:00, or later (AST).
  20. Minsc

    Minsc's PSO Journal

    In a way, back in 2001, both helped grow and inhabit my social skills. Perhaps it would have been better if I enrolled in a college or university. At the time I was yet able to work up the courage to make the phone calls to get my drivers license. That's just how I was. Conversing on the IGN...