Search results

  1. Lileya

    PC> Chain Sawd 0/30/30/0/60

    Title. I'm just curious. I didn't find it BTW, I just finally gathered the courage to gamble a few gold badges. Then proceeded to gamble more after getting that CS and regretted it bitterly. XD
  2. Lileya

    S> 5/150/45/0 Nidras

    Perfect, I'll PM you once I'm back home as well. :)
  3. Lileya

    S> 5/150/45/0 Nidras

    Sure, I'll pm you once I'm back home tonight. :)
  4. Lileya

    S> 5/150/45/0 Nidras

  5. Lileya

    The Anniversary Event Thread

    Oh yes, I forgot we got the +50%, so I guess it would be X1.51 and not X1.01 then. Thanks Matt! :)
  6. Lileya

    The Anniversary Event Thread

    I was curious to understand how the last milestone works: +1% Badge Rate (Every 20000 Kills). Currently: 0% 5,000,000 kills needed! How is this +1% applied? Is it added to the drop rate of badges or multiplied by the drop rate of badges? Here's an example to make my question clearer: Let's...
  7. Lileya

    EXP Curve Adjustment

    BTW, I just wanted to point out, because nobody has mentioned that yet (unless I missed it), lvl80 is not the official Sega Ultimate level requirement. The official Sega server had these requirements: Lvl90 Episode I Lvl100 Episode II Lvl110 Episode IV Hard and Vhard had similar increments...
  8. Lileya

    B> Club of Laconium

    I just noticed you left a PD! ;_; I said it was free!! ;_; Thanks, Venom! ;)
  9. Lileya

    B> Club of Laconium

    Made a game called VENOM on Fodra-01, just join me when you get a chance.
  10. Lileya

    B> Club of Laconium

    I'll give you one for free.
  11. Lileya

    EXP Curve Adjustment

    I'm sorry, I just needed to point out how awesome that analogy was! XD Because the ones fervently enjoying calculus are numerous! D:
  12. Lileya

    EXP Curve Adjustment

    I don't think throwing personal insults should be part of this debate. Calling me a snob and selfish was unnecessary, especially when you say you're respecting my opinion two sentences later...
  13. Lileya

    EXP Curve Adjustment

    I voted no, because this seems to be aimed mostly at newer players. This will have very little impact on players with uber gear trying to get new alts in ultimate as pointed out by others. So basically, we're just gonna help those newer players reach ultimate even quicker so that they had even...
  14. Lileya

    Melirei's Tradelist (September 14)

    I'll take the pioneer parts for 2 gold if it's still available. :) I should be on around 10am eastern time today and then pretry much all day. Send me a PM when you're available.
  15. Lileya

    S> 5/150/45/0 Nidras

    Only 2 colors left. :o
  16. Lileya

    S> 5/150/45/0 Nidras

    All gone! Check my mag farm if you're looking for a mag, I take custom orders. :) Nidra [Red] [5/150/45/0] [Mylla&Youlla|Estlla|Pilla] - 4 PDs Nidra [Black] [5/150/45/0] [Mylla&Youlla|Estlla|Pilla] - 4 PDs...
  17. Lileya

    Lileya's custom mag shop [CLOSED]

    /bump Finally completed the new batch of Nidras. :) For sale: Nidra [Red] [5/150/45/0] [Mylla&Youlla|Estlla|Pilla] - 4 PDs X 2 Nidra [Black] [5/150/45/0] [Mylla&Youlla|Estlla|Pilla] - 4 PDs Nidra [Purple] [5/150/45/0] [Mylla&Youlla|Estlla|Pilla] - 4 PDs Nidra [Blue] [5/150/45/0]...
  18. Lileya

    OBS issue

    That solution worked for me as well and I had the same issues as OP.
  19. Lileya

    The Anniversary Event Thread

    Having raised multiple stealth mags, I can confirm that it does.
  20. Lileya

    Lileya's custom mag shop [CLOSED]

    Np, I'll get started tonight. I can still mag feed, I just have less time for it atm. :)