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  1. Lileya

    B> Anti-dark ring

    Just PM me! Thanks! :)
  2. Lileya

    S> Luck Materials (done)

    Do you still take gold badges? @ElenorCamuel
  3. Lileya

    MAG MIND KAMA lvl100 to make mind mag GAEL GIEL.

    I was wondering the same thing. I don't get it either.
  4. Lileya

    Lileya's custom mag shop [CLOSED]

    Haha! XD Np! :)
  5. Lileya

    Sange's Tradelist (Closed)

    I'd like the following: Heart of Morolian x1 - 3 PD Three Seals [0/3 | 0/3] - 1 PD Whenever you're online. Thanks!
  6. Lileya

    Lileya's custom mag shop [CLOSED]

    lol, I'll get it started today. :) Your Tellusis is now over lvl100 btw.
  7. Lileya

    Lileya's custom mag shop [CLOSED]

    Are you letting me pick the color? Which one out of yellow, white or magenta would you rather? For me it makes no difference. Unless you're asking if I have a Sato of this color in stock? All my pre-made mags are listed in the first post. Currently, all I have in stock is Rati [Orange]...
  8. Lileya

    Ephinea Picture/Video Topic

    That's cruel. ;_;
  9. Lileya

    Ephinea Picture/Video Topic

    Soooo, last time @ElenorCamuel and I played cmode 3 months ago, that happened: We finally decided to play cmode again yesterday, and THAT happened: Wtf?! O_o I think I've seen more rare enemies in these 2 cmode games than I've seen during the entire event...
  10. Lileya

    DMC code

    lol, I was worried DMC fix would take away re-freeze in cmode. That's kind of cool actually. XD
  11. Lileya

    DMC code

    You don't need to TA to notice it, it's quite noticeable just casual playing... It happens pretty much every time I use mechguns.
  12. Lileya

    Lileya's custom mag shop [CLOSED]

    If this is for a Stealth mag, I would rather get the mag cell in advance. This will make it easier for me to raise and will ensure you get your mag quicker. I'm out of town atm but I will be back home tomorrow. We could meet then so you can give me the cell. Also, I use a 2:3 ratio for PCs. I...
  13. Lileya

    Lileya's custom mag shop [CLOSED]

    Lol, all your chars run around with the same freaking mag!! XD I might have a blue mag that would fit those stats and is already lvl90. Ill check when I'm back home and message you on Discord. :)
  14. Lileya

    Keinai's Trading Hut

    Maybe he purposedely mistekked it in hopes you'd buy it for big money? D;
  15. Lileya

    [Closed momentarily b/c formatting issues] Dude's Shop of Stuff [Updated] 2.3 Post Event Plus!

    Definitely. I'll contact you on Discord once I'm back home tonight. Thanks! :)
  16. Lileya

    [Closed momentarily b/c formatting issues] Dude's Shop of Stuff [Updated] 2.3 Post Event Plus!

    Sacred Cloth [46/50 | 3/20] [1S] How much, Mr. Dude?
  17. Lileya

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Ooooooooooooooh!!! n.n Thanks!!! <3
  18. Lileya

    Quick question - Quick answer

    It sounds a bit disappointing quite frankly. Not being to buy 10 of an item would more or less fuck up your items order for mag feeding when you feed 3 mags. Or when you're feeding an ammount that's not 1, 3 or 9... >_> It was too good to be true. ;_;
  19. Lileya

    Quick question - Quick answer

    OMG, is this like a quest where all items are available in the item shop at all time (sol, monomates, monofluids, etc.)??? n.n