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    I'm going to murder every NPC I can find.

    I needed to venture deep into the Mines to reprogram the lives of several NPC, and extract revenge against one in particular. Elle...what is there to say? She's turned on by robots, uses an Autogun in Ultimate Mines, and is a goddamn knife ears. Her FOnewearl ATA couldn't save her from death...

    I'm going to murder every NPC I can find.

    The Caves have less NPCs I can murder, but it must be done. Some fatty wanted me to help her exercise. I gave her a much faster exercise plan; death. Even as her life faded she wanted to eat. What a pig! Somehow Bernie managed to revive from the ass-kicking I gave him, so I put a Hell Laser...

    I'm going to murder every NPC I can find.

    I've had enough of their bullshit: the shitty equipment, the bad spells, and their general uselessness. I'm going to kill all of those fuckers and show them I'm not gonna take it anymore. Our first Ash. Ash is stupid enough to use a Brand in Ultimate, and is mostly heineously, a...

    Ephinea Picture/Video Topic

    Roo, the man with the 100H Dark Flow, meets his his own hand because of Girasole abuse.

    That moment when you have to help noobs in Normal and Very Hard in order to actually kill...

    That moment when you have to help noobs in Normal and Very Hard in order to actually kill enemies bc every Ult game is a boss rush quest.

    Thank you. > Vladmir Putin

    Thank you. > Vladmir Putin

    The Red Ring I found was the first sign of the great day I had today!

    The Red Ring I found was the first sign of the great day I had today!

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    Guess who just joined the Red Ring club? Me! Crap EVP, but I don't give a fuck.

    The Big Ol' Guide to being a RAmarl

    S-Rank weapons Rangers really get the most out of S-Rank weapons and the specials you can add to them. The RAmarl is no exception. * Hell S-Rank Shot: An S-Rank Shot with a Hell special is a nice little alternative for an S-Rank Needle. While it fires slower than a Needle, it has longer...
  10. GHOSTS

    The Big Ol' Guide to being a RAmarl

    So, you want to be a RAmarl, but don’t know where to start. Maybe you’ve got some time as a RAmarl under your belt already and you’d like to boost your game to the next level. Maybe you’re an old Gamecube or XBOX veteran that played RAmarl with your friends or solo, but it’s been so long that...
  11. GHOSTS

    Give me n.n or give me death!

    Give me n.n or give me death!
  12. GHOSTS

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Not exactly a question, but I think I know why things like Red Ring and Parasitic Gene Flow aren't dropping like candy, despite the huge boosts they should be getting from HBR. From what I can tell, the math works like this: The DAR boost MULTIPLIES the rare drop rate instead of adding to the...
  13. GHOSTS

    Graphics Artists Needed for Ephinea Posters

    Interesting idea! Here's my submission.
  14. GHOSTS

    But Demon's is my RAmarl's best buddy.

    But Demon's is my RAmarl's best buddy.
  15. GHOSTS

    Good. I was going to sue you for false advertising in your name.

    Good. I was going to sue you for false advertising in your name.
  16. GHOSTS

    Seasons Feedback

    The issue is that it defeats the point of a Season if it's going to be grinding the same two quests over and over. The latest season was basically a free way to do experience content you hadn't before and make your own strategies, but it turned into endless PW3 box runs to make money and MA4...
  17. GHOSTS

    Good time to start Seasons.

    Good time to start Seasons.
  18. GHOSTS


  19. GHOSTS

    I swear this HBR is meant to drain your soul and enjoyment via endless boss rush quests in...

    I swear this HBR is meant to drain your soul and enjoyment via endless boss rush quests in exchange for slightly better RR or PGF odds.
  20. GHOSTS

    Ephinea Picture/Video Topic

    The Heaven Striker is such an overrated weapon. Real PSO pros know that you should really be going after a Hell Striker, which I found earlier today. Jealous?