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  1. xSHIVAx

    What are you listening to?

  2. xSHIVAx

    Request: FOmar Head Model

    @Kevdo is it nessacarry for u, that u, no matter what, want to keep the glasses?
  3. xSHIVAx

    What you use to play pso?

    Im using this one (besides my hands)
  4. xSHIVAx

    PSO Remake?

    That's actually just a pic from pso2 they took from. Not selfmade.
  5. xSHIVAx

    PSO Remake?

    here is a playable version: somewere is a thread too, but i forgot where it was, but here is also one of gladers websites: also here...
  6. xSHIVAx

    I am not looking for a team yet, just want to ask

    Don't care that much what anyone suggests. If u wanna make a team then DO IT! And make sure that everyone remembers the team name and it's members in a best possible way.
  7. xSHIVAx

    Bliz's Rainbow Equipment Emporium

    Photons can't be changed that simple since it's server sided. But if u still wanna do that, u need to rip or recreate the weapon and change its UV's or Nodes. Then apply the new textures. Any glide version is a non photon weapon if I remember correctly.
  8. xSHIVAx

    problem with the character swap

    @Jeremy_J I'll show u an easier way, so u don't have to resize the file. I'll pm u when I'm home.
  9. xSHIVAx


  10. xSHIVAx

    woof 'n barf...... maybe both

    woof 'n barf...... maybe both
  11. xSHIVAx

    Ephinea's drawing thread

    Some old pics i made
  12. xSHIVAx


    even if u change the color of the photon it will stay the same as usual, if u only use the texture manager or any other public manager. the only thing u can do is to take the model of the weapon u wanna use and delete the texture mapping on it. then just recreate the mapping and change the...
  13. xSHIVAx

    Helping with my German.

    @Ceri0n feel free to spam me with questions if u have any ^^
  14. xSHIVAx

    PSO Project

    some of these models r still inside that .bml (but their r not extracted corrctly) to extract them correctly u need Sega's official bml converter tool from the DC sdk Katana Kit r9
  15. xSHIVAx

    Guide for Creating and using own Models in game

    added tutorial video ....and deleted it
  16. xSHIVAx

    Doesn't look like much is going on here in the forum anyway

    Doesn't look like much is going on here in the forum anyway
  17. xSHIVAx

    Guide for Creating and using own Models in game

    allways here hehe
  18. xSHIVAx

    Guide for Creating and using own Models in game

    sorry man, but my shitty guide belongs to that guide forum section. and my main stuff which is sorted, is on ultima forum. if u wanna check my updated stuff, there u go: