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  1. flatmen

    just run some cmode with me fam

    just run some cmode with me fam
  2. flatmen

    Yeah that's right I'm a coool kid

    Yeah that's right I'm a coool kid
  3. flatmen

    Issues with Dual Screen+PSO.

    Fullscreen always gave me problems so I only play in windowed mode. It also makes it easier to tab-out or do stuff on the other monitor
  4. flatmen

    You can't just Mia Khalifa like that

    You can't just Mia Khalifa like that
  5. flatmen

    This Game Sucks

  6. flatmen

    This Game Sucks

    Fuck this stupid fucking game and it's stupid fucking mechanics I hate it
  7. flatmen

    How do you get through to people if they're glued to their phones?

    Idk man, I've found this one girl on the street before :oops:. . . but then again that was when I was going to school. Maybe it's different for me, yet I feel you can pick up anyone just about anywhere. You could pull the creepy route and add them on the social media they might be using at the...
  8. flatmen

    Also happy birthday

    Also happy birthday
  9. flatmen

    You need to make Ephinea great again!

    You need to make Ephinea great again!
  10. flatmen

    Selfie thread.

    Posting a selfie of myself is a federal crime, you'd have to add me on snap first.
  11. flatmen

    Post your vehicle!

  12. flatmen

    Post your vehicle!

  13. flatmen

    Restarting soon. Who should my next main be?

    Should still pick Fomar
  14. flatmen

    Restarting soon. Who should my next main be?

    Fomar tbh
  15. flatmen

    It's your birthday,

    It's your birthday,
  16. flatmen


  17. flatmen


    Didn't really like the community there, I'm mostly referred to as shoe, but the registration used my email as my name so I'm flatmen on the forums. (I'm muffin, turtler, and shoe in game.)
  18. flatmen


    Im actually from Ultima, its been a year though. Thanks!
  19. flatmen


    Glad to have me
  20. flatmen


    I'm new to this server, but not PSO(BB) as a whole. So hello there