Search results

  1. Ganymede

    PSO-based tattoo ideas?

    I've always thought about getting my fave section ID tattoo'd on me but I don't have any real room left on my chest to place it :\
  2. Ganymede

    Found my first v101 last night. Feels good man.

    Found my first v101 last night. Feels good man.
  3. Ganymede

    What happened?

    What happened?
  4. Ganymede

    Haven't played this in awhile~

    welcome to the Ephinea. Glad another fellow SCHTHACKer has joined us. :)
  5. Ganymede

    Greetings to you all!

    Welcome, as Roo said, there are plenty of people here to help you learn the ropes, myself included, if you ever see me online (my character names are listed in my signature) just ask and I will be down to play with you!
  6. Ganymede

    [HC] Freebie list (cool!)

    Heavenly/Battle, please?
  7. Ganymede


    Welcome to Ephinea, I also main a RAcast, very fun class. :)
  8. Ganymede

    Quick question - Quick answer

    What is the most powerful/useful non s-rank partisan out there for a RAcast?
  9. Ganymede

    KombatBOT5.0 IS ONLINE

    Welcome! Were glad to have you and glad you love the server.
  10. Ganymede

    Quick question - Quick answer

    What's the fastest phantasmal world quest to solo? I'm trying to collect as many lucky coins as I can on my own.
  11. Ganymede

    Spuz's Unsealing & Custom Sranks. (CLOSED)

    I want to buy that charge arms with 45 hit and could Itake one of those phoenix claws?
  12. Ganymede

    Hi Everyone

    Nice of you to finally join us on the forums :)
  13. Ganymede

    Yuffie joins:D

    Welcome to Ephinea, I came from SCHTHACK too, you'll enjoy it here with us, I'll assure you.
  14. Ganymede

    Quick Forum Organisation

    <3 you for this. Thanks for the hard work ;)
  15. Ganymede

    Mutilatedpuppet's Shop - Updated: January 12th 2017

    Welcome to my Hardcore Item Shop! Acceptable forms of payment: Photon Drops Photon Crystals 2:1 Event Eggs 2:1 Gold Summer Badges 2:1 TP Materials 2:1 Luck Materials 2:1 See an item you like? Just leave a post for me and we can negotiate a price if there isn't one posted! I am also willing...
  16. Ganymede


    yeah I have it, really great program, I need to tell Kysona about it because he plans to open an HC shop up on here too.
  17. Ganymede


    Same here. Hopefully this will bringme closer that S-rank needle :p
  18. Ganymede

    What are you listening to?

    I'm more familiar with their older stuff from their 2002 Album Lovebox. My alltime fav song by them is Hands of Time. I first heard it in the movie Collateral (Starring Jamie Fox and Tom Cruise). I've been a fan ever since.
  19. Ganymede


    How about a trade subforum for HC? I feel HC is starting to have a large enough player base and enough established time played for one.
  20. Ganymede

    What are you listening to?

    Groove Armada is the Bees knees.