Search results

  1. Ganymede

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    My recent findings: Love the Talis and got really lucky with the Mil Lilies that day, found a total of 3 Sange in two runs. Talis with 60% Hit by Mutilatedpuppet posted May 31, 2016 at 12:17 AMDouble Sange by Mutilatedpuppet posted May 31, 2016 at 12:18 AM
  2. Ganymede

    Ephinea Picture/Video Topic

    Just a few HC death banners I've witnesses and haven't shared yet. Death of Ro 25APR2016 by Mutilatedpuppet posted May 31, 2016 at 12:10 AMDeath of Xarli 27APR2016 by Mutilatedpuppet posted May 31, 2016 at 12:12 AMDeath of Prince 23MAY2016 by Mutilatedpuppet posted May 31, 2016 at 12:13 AM
  3. Ganymede

    It's good to be back...

    Welcome to the Ephinea Experience.
  4. Ganymede

    I haven't even started but I already love here :)

    Welcome, were glad to have you!
  5. Ganymede

    Reliving the good ol' days.

    Welcome! There's not enough Greenils on this server!
  6. Ganymede

    Hello New to the game :D

    Welcome to the server, glad to have you!
  7. Ganymede

    It has been a long time

    Welcome to Ephinea, were glad to have you and your friend with us :)
  8. Ganymede

    PSO apps for Android

    Any chance of a release on Windows 10 Store? (I'm apart of that 1% of the world who uses a Microsoft phone.)
  9. Ganymede

    Returning from the grave

    Welcome! "Shhhhh, my yeast is rising."
  10. Ganymede

    Hello Hello :3

    Welcome! I'm glad more people are playing Hardcore! :)
  11. Ganymede


    Welcome to Ephinea!
  12. Ganymede

    Hello! :D

    Welcome, glad yo have you here!
  13. Ganymede

    Throughout high school id go to sleep listening to Tricktrack almost every night. Its my...

    Throughout high school id go to sleep listening to Tricktrack almost every night. Its my favorite song from any video game ever, such a relaxing melody, those piano segments are on point.
  14. Ganymede


    I've acquired one on my own now.
  15. Ganymede

    Yes I would like that please!

    Yes I would like that please!
  16. Ganymede

    Nothing will discourage me from playing HC, no matter how many top tier equips I have. ;)

    Nothing will discourage me from playing HC, no matter how many top tier equips I have. ;)
  17. Ganymede

    My RAcast Ganymede kicked the bucket last night at level 134 to a double hit by two Sinow Blue...

    My RAcast Ganymede kicked the bucket last night at level 134 to a double hit by two Sinow Blue. RIP. Playing a FOmarl named Pandora now.
  18. Ganymede

    Hey Gang

    Welcome, glad you're decided to come back to the addiction :)
  19. Ganymede


    Welcome aboard, glad to have ya!
  20. Ganymede

    Hello :0

    Welcome to the forums!