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  1. D

    pc> zero Zanba

    No clue over here, this guy, me.
  2. D

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Thanks for the replies!!!
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    Quick question - Quick answer

    For ramar soloing, should I first get demons needle or demons mech? Mostly concerned with Ep's 1 and 4. Thanks!
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    Quick question - Quick answer

    What's the quickest way to a girtablulu? (The most are in lost son Hopkins, correct? But the fastest route would be nice to know, too.) Thanks!
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    NDW's Trade List

    How much for last swan? Thank you.
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    Quick question - Quick answer

    If I have a level 50+ non-rare mag, will it change into a different non-rare mag if I feed it using a different class or ID?
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    Goverment quest team.

    Are the govt quests multiplayer in all episodes?
  8. D

    Goverment quest team.

    I'm happy to help out on Ep 4, for sure.
  9. D

    Um, I guess I should say "Hi" now!

    Thanks for the heads up!
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    Um, I guess I should say "Hi" now!

    One thing I certainly didn't miss: Looking for a party to join and seeing names like "nigger" or joining a game only to find people talking about "jewing each other in trades" and then throwing out Hitler symbol chats. (these same people are of course crybabies running to the moderators when...
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    Richard's Tradelist

    Hi. i've got 11 pds and some hp mats. What might you take for the 502?
  12. D

    Um, I guess I should say "Hi" now!

    Yeah. I got a problem. :eek:
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    Um, I guess I should say "Hi" now!

    Hi! One night -- ages ago -- while bowling in our night owl league (11pm on Tuesdays), my friend and I hatched a plan to get free video games. We'd become reviewers. Since another friend's girlfriend edited a monthly in Chicago, we asked her if we could have a video game review column in her...
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    The Hound's Trade List and Mag Farm (UPDATED 7/4/2016)

    Then I'll be serious! I mean, I'll be serious. You on?
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    The Hound's Trade List and Mag Farm (UPDATED 7/4/2016)

    Can I seriously just have the heavenly/luck? :)
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    NDW's Trade List

    Just for dreaming's sake, how much for hell needle? :(
  17. D

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Thanks! Potentially nabbing h/hp (just for collector's sake) is the only reason I don't quit out after killing all the monkey-bears in Tyrell's while doing fs hunts. I lucked out and got the rifle on greenil after a couple of runs, and perhaps then overestimated the ease of getting this unit.
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    Quick question - Quick answer

    Does heavenly/hp really drop from Purplenum sil dragon?
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    Challenge Mode Meeting Topic (C. Lobby: Fodra 1-8)

    I'd like to learn cmode with some knowledgeable players. Ultimately I'd like to be able to amass srank weapons. :)
  20. D

    Episode 4 Drop Tables

    Please give purple back v101 instead of v801. v801 and mother garb are brutal drops for purplenum.