Thanks for your information!
Yea, I heard about that, too. The seller contacted with me. His LK was A.Beast + Hit95. I was quite happy in getting a similar one.
But for weapons like this, finding a correct buyer is most important.
Thanks guys, sincerely.
I AFK from PSOBB Japan official server in ’2008. So I did not know the value about L&K38 at all. No one had found out how to use it till I AFK.
Yea. I saw you and other people marked good prices for LK38 with hit%. But I don’t know when and which class I shall use it. Does it worth adding photon attributes?
Found this in TTF today.
Haven’t really used this weapon. Just found one and considered it to be useless then sold it in official server many years ago.
But I saw someone (especially Hunters) used it in Ephinea server. What situation can this weapon be used? And how much does a hit95 one...