Search results

  1. Minsc

    Returning Old Guards....the Dreamcasters and Cubers! <3 How? Why? ....

    Dreams of meeting a flesh and blood person in my area. I found some fellow on the IGN forums who happened to live in the same province as me. He linked me some videos of this game for the Dreamcast called Phantasy Star Online. I was hooked, within a week I went from not even thinking about...
  2. Minsc

    18 years ago today: Phantasy Star Online releases in the U.S.

    I bought a Dreamcast, PSO and a keyboard on February 21, 2001 at Future Shop. The receipt is still packed away with the Dreamcast in its box. After purchasing it I remember dad saying something along the lines that the young lady at cash seemed interested in me.
  3. Minsc

    Concept of a fun, engaging "endgame" quest/event

    Maximum Attack S.
  4. Minsc

    Concept of a fun, engaging "endgame" quest/event

    Daily Quest: Don't like, different time zones out in the world. 1-4 Players: Not a problem. 4 Pools of rewards: Not a problem. Experience: No need to put the time and effort into disabling it. Have it be an extra bonus for the non-200's who play this quest for some odd reason. Drops...
  5. Minsc

    The very best PSO review.

    Good enough review for me. :cool: If I hadn't already played PSO2 I'd go play it.
  6. Minsc

    The very best PSO review.

    I'm sold, time to get his game.
  7. Minsc

    How did Photon Drops come to replace meseta as currency?

    I'm reminded of some lost game mechanics from previous versions of PSO. Us snobs here at Ephinea would never stand for them. - In the GameCube/Xbox versions, when you died and revived at the medical room all the Meseta in your inventory was taken as payment. - In the Dreamcast versions, when...
  8. Minsc

    How did Photon Drops come to replace meseta as currency?

    @Shichimiya Cool. In order to prevent hyperinflation I'll be happy to take peoples excess Meseta and dispose of it. :rolleyes: Something I'm curious of now is the PD:time rate. Want help leveling or grinding loot? No problem. For a mere 10 PDs/hour my time can be yours.
  9. Minsc

    How did Photon Drops come to replace meseta as currency?

    The going rate seems to be 500k Meseta for 1 PD. I suppose if PD's could be bought in shops with Meseta it would then have a use. In my mind I'd have set the shop price at 999,999 Meseta per PD. I use 999,999 since that is the max a player could hold in the official release. How that would...
  10. Minsc

    What is your Xpadder/Joy2key/etc. Setup?

    Right now I've attempting to emulate the GameCube controller layout on the Xbox360 controller, haven't succeeded yet. The big hiccup is getting the triggers to work. My current daily driver is goes as: Left Stick - Movement Left Stick Click - Open/Close Menu D-Pad- Navigating Menus LB -...
  11. Minsc

    Returning Dreamcast/GC RAmar. Also: Hello, Wendy? Are you out there?

    I never really watched Conan so this was my first introduction to the In The Year 2000 skit. In the long commercial I dig the alpha Pioneer 2 @1:34 which looks like a stand in for the lobby with all the players hanging about. While it's plain looking compared to the final game it's neat to...
  12. Minsc

    The dream, Phantasy Star Four Player Split Screen Couch Edition

    I tell you, online is great but not the be all. With the size of todays TVs and the power of modern consoles the thought of playing PSO on the same screen with friends, no gameplay and graphical compromises just sounds too awesome. It doesn't even need to be a full HD remaster. Just take the...
  13. Minsc

    Returning Dreamcast/GC RAmar. Also: Hello, Wendy? Are you out there?

    IN THE YEAR 2000. Welcome back sir.
  14. Minsc

    Christmas 2018 Event Thread

    Berserk TypeKN/Claw 50h
  15. Minsc

    Christmas 2018 Event Thread

    Lastnight: Drop: - D-Parts ver.210 Presents: - Chameleon Scythe, Samba Maracas 25h, Holy Ray 50h
  16. Minsc

    Christmas 2018 Event Thread

    Snagged a DF Field somewhere yesterday. Just got a Magic Rock "Iritista" from the present.
  17. Minsc


    Hey there. I started back on the Dreamcast as well. Used to play with the IGN crew on Cordelia 9.
  18. Minsc

    Ephinea Cooking Thread

    Enjoying a second bowl of slow cooker chicken noodle soup. :)
  19. Minsc

    Christmas 2018 Event Thread

    60% of the time we get a Present 50% of the time. In other news, Spirit TypeSW/J-Sword 30h get!
  20. Minsc

    Minsc's PSO Journal

    Eep, played two quests yesterday. Today I'll take a break. :)