Search results

  1. CocoBird2

    A>0/0/0/15/40 Madam's Umbrella (CHB: 15) Complete

    Reserve: 8 Duration:24 hours after first bid CHB: Meecho 15 pd
  2. CocoBird2

    A>Gifoie 30 CHB:180 Complete

  3. CocoBird2

    A>Gifoie 30 CHB:180 Complete

    Reserve:180 pd Duration:72 hours after first bid CHB:Eistee 180 Wants: PDs, Photon Sphere (counting as 97 pd)
  4. CocoBird2

    CocoShop (temporarily closed)

    Temporarily closed while taking break from PSO. Weapons 0/0/0/0/55 Charge Raygun+11 4 pd 0/0/40/0/50 Charge Gungnir 0.5 pd 0/25/25/0/0 Slicer of Fanatic 0.5 pd 0/0/0/15/0 Storm Wand: Indra 0.5 pd 25/0/15/0/0 Storm Wand: Indra 0.5 pd Misc. Amplifier of Rabarta x1 0.5 pd Techniques Anti 7 x5...
  5. CocoBird2

    What is your current or ultimate goal?

    Oh geez. Well, I want 45+ hit HS with dark and one 30+ with opposite attributes, like 4 or 5 fully sphered Baranz's, 40+ hit excals with native and dark, with 30+ for abeast and machine, 50 hit Slicer of Fanatic, 45h Yunchang, a couple 60h DoBs with opposite percents, hit Psycho Wand, pair of...