Search results

  1. T

    how much for Cent/ability?

    Centurion/Ability A unit so rare Always looking, so I ask How much, cent/ability?
  2. T

    TheGreenFace's trade list (taking a break from the game)

    Ive still got it. Reserved
  3. T

    Zonde 30 (closed)

    6 pds
  4. T

    A> 1 pd material stacks [Closed]

    3 on the powers
  5. T

    TheGreenFace's trade list (taking a break from the game)

    The last few d scales have gone for 5 on the discord. Since the boss rush hbr ended the price went up from 2-3
  6. T

    B> Frozen Shooter w/hit

    Damn @Kody is rolling in that hildebear head money
  7. T

    TheGreenFace's trade list (taking a break from the game)

    Sorry only looking to accept meseta on the stuff worth less than a pd as im not in a dire need for it
  8. T

    TheGreenFace's trade list (taking a break from the game)

    * I'm taking a break from pso due to being a bit burnt out after the anniversary event. I may or may not return to the game* Fairly new player so i dont have much to offer. For things marked 0.5 pd i'll accept a luck mat or 250k meseta. Reach me at @TheGreenFace#7484 on discord. Weapons...