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  1. Ganymede

    Quick question - Quick answer

    You do not need to equip the Branch of PakuPaku in order to transform it into a Striker of Chao.
  2. Ganymede

    Spuz, thanks man, its rough, going through a separation/divorce at the same time and gonna be...

    Spuz, thanks man, its rough, going through a separation/divorce at the same time and gonna be leaving with thousands of dollars in debt but I think I'll manage :)
  3. Ganymede

    conenubi...plz no ;_;

    conenubi...plz no ;_;
  4. Ganymede

    [HC] Hardcore

    Sounds good to me, I like the old lobbies, less time it takes to get around in them since they are so much smaller.
  5. Ganymede

    We're 0.6% away from double EXP with just over an hour to go!

    Hey Hey look at that, were over 108% now, good job! Really wish I could get on and play again, hopefully will this weekend for a short time.
  6. Ganymede

    Won't be online much at all for the next month, working on separating from Active Duty Navy and...

    Won't be online much at all for the next month, working on separating from Active Duty Navy and starting the next chapter of my life.
  7. Ganymede

    Returning player :D

    Welcome to Ephinea, and welcome back to PSO.
  8. Ganymede

    dumbest monster name

    It's got to be Girtablulu.
  9. Ganymede

    Episode 4 Drop Tables

    Yes! Very much needed change to the game!
  10. Ganymede

    Hello, I'm new to Ephinea and thought I'd introduce myself!

    Welcome to Ephinea, enjoy your stay! :)
  11. Ganymede

    Here we go boys...Hardcore mode

    Have fun, play carefully and you won't die.
  12. Ganymede

    Hi I'm new! ;)

    Welcome!, we are glad to have you!
  13. Ganymede

    Back To The Grind...

    Welcome to the Ephinea experience!
  14. Ganymede

    Ephinea Picture/Video Topic

    A few more recent hardcore deaths, two of them my own... Death of JWoman 04JUN2016 by Mutilatedpuppet posted Jun 4, 2016 at 6:46 PMDeath of YMS-04 EGG 04JUN2016 by Mutilatedpuppet posted Jun 5, 2016 at 1:48 AMDeath of Ganymede 19MAY2016 by Mutilatedpuppet posted Jun 5, 2016 at 1:52 AMDeath of...
  15. Ganymede

    Heyo, new to server.

    Welcome to Ephinea! If you're looking for something else to spice up your game, try hardcore mode, its really fun!
  16. Ganymede

    Typos and other minor stuff

    I think the wording makes sense, because it's referencing when, for example, Vol opt discharges the electricity that puts the status ailment on you, it's as if the pillars are experiencing an electrical "short". At least that's how I have always interpreted it.
  17. Ganymede


    Hello, welcome to Ephinea!
  18. Ganymede

    New player looking for equally newb or patient levelling partner

    Welcome!! Always glad to see a new face around here! :)
  19. Ganymede

    Excited to get started on this server

    Hello and welcome! I quit playing my normal account and now strictly play Hardcore, its a very fun and rewarding experience. I recommend that you try it!